chapter 2- busted

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"good morning, baby sister!" noel chirps as i enter the kitchen, strolling down right before noon. "did you just wake up?"

"no," i lie. "and i'm not your baby sister. you're two minutes older."

"which makes you the baby. how's your head?"


"your back?"


"your legs?"


"sounds like today is gonna be a great day!"

he slides a plate of scrambled eggs and toast towards me before exiting the room. i feel my mouth water at just the sight of it. though i don't have much of an appetite, i can never resist my brother's cooking.

"don't forget!" noel calls as he pokes his head back around the corner. "you have-"

"i know! work from 3-7:30 and then a stream at 8. yes, i will start the stream on time. yes, i will smile in the stream. yes, i will be sure to thank everyone for donating, just as i always do."

"i was actually gonna say that you have a skating competition on saturday. have you been practicing your routine?"

"hardly." i've been so focused on trying to land the kickflip backside tailslide that i haven't practiced my routine at all.

"then we need to get on that. do you wanna practice with a partner? i can call one of your very few friends and ask."

"first of all, shut up. second of all, i practice alone. you know that."

"seeing as you're not paying me for my services, i recommend you treat your self-appointed social media and life manager with a little respect."

"since when did you tack on the 'and life' part?"

"since i started reminding you of your life schedule. anyway, gotta run. i promised mom i'd buy groceries for dinner tonight. but you have to buy them tomorrow, okay?"


"bye, baby sister!"

i turn around in my chair with an eye roll.

"for the last time, i'm not your-"

but noel's already gone out the front door, slamming it shut behind him.

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i clock into my shift five minutes early (attempting to make up for being five minutes late last time), and hurry to the back to put my apron on over my white collared shirt and black pants.

"hi, erica," i say to the girl back there with me, who's already been here for hours working morning shift.

"hello, cassia," she greets back. "you're here early."

"yeah, sorry about being late on tuesday."

"i already told you that it was okay! i don't mind going five minutes over."


"don't worry about it, really."

i smile as i comb my hair out with my fingers, putting it into a ponytail. tight enough so it doesn't fall out all the time, but loose enough so i don't have a crimp in my hair during the stream later.

"has it been busy?" i ask.

"it's friday. what do you think?"

i nod while pursing my lips together. of course.

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