chapter 33- sicken

412 27 137

cassia's pov

"attention passengers, we are now beginning our descent into santa ana, california. please buckle your seatbelts and put the tables back up. attendants will come around to take your trash. again, please be sure to buckle your seatbelts, as we are beginning our descent into santa ana," the pilot announces above our heads as the seatbelt light turns on. noel, sapnap, and i all oblige, buckling our seatbelts and collecting our trash.

the descent is loud, shaky, and fairly short-lived. i know we've hit ground when the plane floor feels a lot more rough and the noises outside are a lot louder than before.

the three of us are already starting to get out of our seats when the seatbelt light turns off. we don't have any overhead luggage, so it should be easy to get directly off the plane. since our seats are close to the front, we're one of the first people that can leave. so we thank the pilot and go.

"my legs are kind of numb," noel remarks as we walk down the tunnel to the airport gates.

"mine too," i say. "plus i feel super groggy, even though i slept most of that flight."

"both of my shoulders are sore from you two," sapnap says.

"you should've woken us up then!"

"nah, i didn't mind."

after making it to the end of the tunnel, the sight waiting for us is not one that i was expecting.

there are a ton of people, most with their phones out recording. they start cheering pretty loudly when they see sapnap. i immediately look at noel, whose eyes have grown wide. he mouths "what the hell" as he glances at all the people.

"hi sapnap!" a lot of girls say to him. he barely nods back as he pushes the two of us forward, encouraging us to advance on.

"what is happening?" i ask him.

"i don't know, nor do i want to know how they found us," he answers sternly. "so let's move and not acknowledge them." noel and i oblige as we speed walk through the gates. noel calls an uber before we get outside, so that by the time we get there we can hop into the getaway car and leave as soon as possible.

when we get outside the uber is a minute away, so we try to meet them in the middle to make for a quicker departure time. but of course that doesn't work, and the uber drives by us and goes to the original pick up spot. we sprint over and get in the car quickly, noel taking shot gun this time while sapnap and i go in the back.

"hello," the driver greets, looking slightly shocked from how frazzled noel and i look.

"hi," we all say back.

"so... where are you guys headed?'

"the hilton anaheim."

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"look guys," noel says, handing his phone back to us. "they already got you." i take his phone and sapnap and i look at the screen together.

@streamer_updates: #cassiyuh, #sapnap, and a mysterious stranger spotted getting off of a plane at john wayne airport this morning! looks like they're all going to twitch con and arrived together!

[open video]

"my hair looks awful," i say as i watch the video.

"i think that's hardly the issue here," noel says.

"what's the issue?" sapnap asks. "we saw a ton of people filming, i expected that we'd go onto this page."

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