chapter 23- body language

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"i hate this so much," i say after reading the huge text bubble of the fake timeline in our new group chat. "so so much."

"believe it or not i'm not the biggest fan either," sapnap says, twisting his face in disgust. "i don't like that i fell head over heels for you after one date."

"aww, you really think that's not accurate? because last i remember, at that party you were all over me."

"you kinda have to be all over someone to kiss them, genius."

"my point exactly."

"i think you guys need to shut up, stop whining, and remember that you're doing this to save your images," noel suggests. sapnap and i nod grimly. we've both learned that he tends to be right about these things somehow, and it's not worth arguing.

"we kinda have to talk about the last bit of the timeline," sapnap says. "the part that hasn't happened yet? the hard launch?"

"true," noel agrees. "but i think you guys have to drop more hints first. that's part of the plan, right?"

"right. but what does that entail?"

noel looks up and purses his lips together, a sign that i've learned means he's thinking.

"i guess there's always streaming. you guys could mention that you got invited to twitch con, plug the convention and be like 'you guys should totally come because i'll be there and i'm going to be at a secret panel with a secret someone!' people love mysteries and shit like that."

"mhm..." i reply, not loving the idea but not having anything better to contribute.

"or," sapnap suggests. "we could do an in-person stream. don't even hint at anything verbally, just let the body language and interactions do the talking. you said that actions speak louder than words, right?" i raise my eyebrows and nod, liking this idea better. noel follows suit.

"that is a better idea," he agrees. "but please, for the love of god, let me help you guys with your body language. you need help."

"fine. but we're keeping it relatively subtle. we're only dropping hints, right?"

"right. that's fine. i just need to teach you guys how to not recoil when your arms brush against each other."

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"i don't like how you're so good at this," i say to noel as i lean my head on sapnap's shoulder. "this feels relatively normal, even though it's sapnap."

"gee, thanks," sapnap groans.

"that's what happens when you have a whole lecture based around love languages. i think i should go back to school to study psychology or communications again," noel replies, beaming at the compliment. he turns to the notepad in front of him and starts scribbling down "lean on shoulder" as a bullet point.

"what the hell does love languages have to do with anything?" i ask, taking my head off of sapnap's shoulder. noel looks up at me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"yeah, you wouldn't get it, idiot."

"i'm just as smart as you!"

"hah! and nearly just as funny!"

"what else can we do?" sapnap asks. he tends to be the mediator for the sibling bickering nowadays, and his favorite tactic to stop the arguments is a wonderful method called "changing the subject."

"uhh..." noel's eyes go back down to the notepad, and he starts tapping on it with the eraser side of the pencil. "we've got a couple of decent things. arm holding and arms around shoulders, the basic idea of learning how to smile at each other, playful shoving rather than lethal shoving- actually, cass, you still need to work on that one- learning to make your laughs sound more genuine, small compliments, and leaning on shoulders. do you have any other ideas?"

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