New Pc

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      You were sitting on a couch holding a throw pillow watching your best friend play some kind of parkour shooting game on the new PC that his younger brother, Paddy bought for him. Saying, "Tom, you need to find a way to have some down time mate. So... I bought you a PC!" Paddy was ecstatic when he handed it to Tom. 

Except Tom didn't really seem like he was enjoying himself very much. His eyebrows were knitted in either concentration or frustration. He stuck his tounge out the side of his mouth for a split second. 

You were getting bored, so you sighed. When he didn't hear you, you huffed loudly. "Thomas!" you said frustrated. Tom turned around in his chair to face you. He tilted his head to the side a little before taking of his headset. "Yes, love?" he asked. It was kind of annoying that your best friend invited you over to just watch him play video games. On the flip side you were also glad that he was finding time to just do something he didn't get a chance to do often. Even if he was an outdoor person.

You smiled and stood up. "Nothing. Just bored is all. I'm going to get some food. You want any?"

"Sure, thanks!" he turned back around and put his headset back on. You rolled your eyes and walked out of the room. 

      When you returned to Tom's apartment you threw the food down on the couch you were sitting on before. "Tom." you said in a sing-song voice. 

Of course, he didn't hear you. Tom just looked very, very angry at something. Probably why. You walked over to him and pulled the headset off of his left ear. "Thomas. What's wrong?" you whispered in his ear. He jumped and threw the headset on his desk. "AH," he yelled. "Y/n you scared me. I didn't even know you were back."

"Of course you didn't," you smiled. "Now what's wrong?" You watched as he turned his head towards the screen and frowned.

"Well, this might sound stupid. But I can't pass level 25 in this game." he purposely moved to fall off the edge and sighed heavily. You watched as his character respawned.

"Do you want me to try?" To be honest you didn't even understand that game. You had to shoot other players and avoid getting shot yourself. All while trying not to fall into the void and get the next checkpoint.

"NO," he responded a little too quickly. "I can do it. I just need to eat," he stood up and walked over to the couch. "Thanks y/n." you smiled at him.

      Later that day Tom was still playing the same game. Still playing level 25 of that stupid parkour/shooting game. You were getting very bored, so you stood up and announced that you were leaving. "Thomas, I'll text you later. I'm leaving."

"ARGH! YOU STUPID, STUPID LOSER! CAME OUTTA' NOWHERE!" he screamed. As he had been for the past several minutes. You sighed and began to walk out. "Wait, y/n please don't go. Um... could you maybe help me?" he asked quietly.

"If you can't do it, how could I?" you asked rhetorically, even though you were very good at shooting games. 

"Just, augh! Please." he stood up and handed you the headset. You smirked and accepted it. As you sat down and placed your fingers on the keyboard. "Um, you just have to avoid getting shot and try to stop others from getting to the end. Before you do." you nodded as he explained the concept of the game to you. 

      You played for a good while getting past level 25 and made it to level 30. "Are you happy now?" you asked Tom. He looked down at you and blinked a few times before answering.

      "Yeah, keep playing. There are only 40 levels in total. I'm done. It's frustrating." 

      "Would love to. But I have to get home." you told him.

"Awww! Spend the night! We can watch movies and eat ice cream. And... you can finish beating the game!" you sighed. You wanted to but you couldn't. You had to study that night for your Spanish exam the next day. "Thomas, I can't maybe tomorrow." You stood up. And handed him the headset. His smile fell and he took the headset. 

      "Okay, I understand. See ya'."

      "I'll text you later though?"  you offered.


      The next day you were heading to Tom's apartment to tell him that you aced your Spanish exam. "Tom! That cost Paddy like, all of his allowance," You heard Harrison yell. You curiously snuck into the room. "You better not let Paddy find out mate!"

      "Okay! What are we going to do? Oh, hi y/n." Tom recognized your footsteps. 

      "Hey, boys. What's going on?" you asked directed at Harrison.

      "Well," Harrison started, glaring daggers at Tom, who avoided your eyes. "Mr. Holland here, may have gotten a bit angry last night."

      "What does that supposed to mean?" you looked at Tom.

      "Well, um... I may or may not need a new PC. But let the record show that I was angry at an owl for pestering me. NOT the computer." Well, there goes that really cool gaming PC that you had secretly enjoyed.

      "Well, RIP Thomas. The Pads is going to kill you. That is. If I don't first." you grabbed a pillow.

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