I Like the Sound of That

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A/n: Thank you to my friend who helps with a lot of these. Here we go!

It's either the bi-way or the highway. I hate them both. Even if I'm not the one driving. I am a backseat/passenger seat driver to say the least. My mom even accused me of trying to grab the steering wheel once when I was eleven-years-old (A/n: See what I did there?) But, in my defense, my mom was, and is, a terrible driver. Forget ten over the speed limit. My mom went twenty over the speed limit. I would never know how she managed to not get pulled over or get thrown in jail. That's what I felt Tom was doing right now.

Tom, my husband of several months. "Tom, maybe, just maybe. You should slow down?" I said shyly. He glanced at me once before answering, "I'm only goin' five over love."

"Yeah. Now can you slow down?" I heard him sigh before I felt the car slow down slightly. "Thank you. See Tom. That wasn't so hard now was it?" I smirked when he rolled his eyes at me. I was about to make another comment when I felt my whole body slam into the dashboard then be launched back. "What the-" I started before a fire began to burn from the radio. I couldn't feel anything from the neck down. I slowly and painfully looked over to my right to see Tom frantically trying to unbuckle his seat belt. Then I also noticed he was reaching over to try to unbuckle mine as well. "What are you doin'?" I asked, slurring really bad. Never had I felt lightheadedness and hysteria as bad as I felt then. I blacked out.

Tom's POV:
I was only going five over the speed limit. Though I knew how Y/n didn't like anyone going even one over the speed limit. When she told me to slow down, I turned my head for one second. And that one second was enough for a deer to dart in front of the car. I quickly swerved to the right to avoid it. But as I was getting back over, a truck rammed into the side of my car. I was immediately slammed forward into the dashboard. Then the car was skidding, I lost all control as the car made it's way off a steep embankment. I stifled a cry of pain as my neck snapped to one side. Y/n didn't... Scream? Did she black out? Before I could look over at her the car was slammed into the ground. At that moment I was pretty sure that the bones from the waist down were broken.. At least the car landed upright. "What the-" Y/n cut herself off just as the radio and GPS burst into flames. I frantically tried to unbuckle my seatbelt and Y/n's as well. "What are you doin'?" Y/n slurred badly. I didn't answer. I couldn't before she blacked out. "Y/n!" I called frantically. Hoping to startle her.

The rest was a blur. The paramedics arrived and took us to the hospital as fast as they could. An oxygen mask was placed over my face at the same time something stuck me in the arm and I felt a cool liquid make it's way through my veins. After that I let unconsciousness take over my aching, burning body.

I regained slight consciousness to the sound of an obnoxious beeping. I groaned as I halfway opened my eyes but immediately closed them again. I laid there with my eyes closed for a moment before I gathered enough strength to open them fully. I winced as the light from the warm sun light burned my eyes.

(Time skip cuz I don't know what to write...)

Third person POV:
Tom was discharged from the hospital a few days after the accident with a broken ankle and a sprained arm. Y/n, however, was still unconscious as Tom sat by her side almost day and night. Never once moving from his chair beside her. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. He waited and watched. He sat by her side, telling her stories of his movie filming adventures. "Please wake up Y/n. Cuz when you do I promise to make it up to you. I'll by you your favorite dessert and order from your favorite restaurant. I'll let you pick any movie you want, even if it's a thriller or romance. I don't care." He sniffled and grabbed her left hand, letting the tears fill up in his eyes. "I... like... the sound of that." Y/n said hoarsely and quietly. Tom looked at her in disbelief. "How long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to hear, 'your favorite dessert'." She quietly replied. Tom smiled at her then clasped her hand in both of his. "We'll do whatever you want darling." She smiled weakly, and Tom knew everything was going to be okay.

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