Sick Pt. 2

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MJ: Yeah... not Y/n for Peter for this one. But... if you want MJ to be Y/n she totally can be. And for clarification I have nothing against Zendaya or MJ. The story just felt really good with MJ. So here I am.

      It wasn't a good week for MJ at all. She had been feeling really stressed out all that week and barely slept. Then it was Monday morning and MJ knew for sure that how she felt that morning was the icing on the cake. "Who says that?" MJ thought aloud. She knew she was nauseous but she didn't really care to take a check on what else she was feeling.

And then again, she had been feeling really sick every morning for several days. Monday was just probably the worst of it. "Mornin' babe." Peter greeted cheerfully. "Still feeling iffy?" He asked well aware of what MJ had been going through for the past few days. MJ shrugged, too miserable to talk. "You know," Peter sat down beside her and took one of her hands. "I can stay here today." MJ shook her head.

"It's okay. Just go to work. I'll still be here and everything. I'm just going to sleep it off." Peter nodded understandingly and stood up after giving her a kiss. MJ sighed and laid back down pulling the covers over her head.

Later, MJ's pain persisted. It caused her to throw up frequently and she couldn't stand on her own two feet. She found herself really starting to regret not accepting Peter's offer. She groaned painfully and made her way back to her room. Her whole body aching badly. She allowed tears to slip from her eyes as she buried her shivering body under her thick comforter. Her whole body felt like it was freezing and on fire at the same time. Her head pounded to the point where it felt like someone was chucking a brick at her head over and over again. MJ whimpered slightly. She needed Peter.

MJ stood up from her bed and made her way to the living room to retrieve her phone from the homemade charger that Peter made. She shakily dialed Peter's contact and held it to her ear. She was sweating badly and her head was swimming. As her breathing became labored, Peter picked up. "Hey darling, you okay?"

"Peter..." She choked out.

"MJ?! Are you okay?" Peter asked frantically and with a panicked tone.

"...Help... Please..." MJ dropped the phone and in an instant she passed out. Her head colliding with the edge of the counter. "MJ!!!" Peter's voice rang out on the other side of the phone. Then he hung up.

Peter hung up as soon as he heard the thud on the other side of the phone. He rushed out of his work building and slid under his Spider-Man suit. He quickly as possible swung and lept from building to building.

Peter reached his apartment and slipped through the window. "MJ?!!" He called out. Peter noticed MJ laying on the ground, unconscious. "Darling please!" Peter dialed an ambulance and relayed the situation to them. "Please be okay..." He mumbled carrying her bridal style to the couch.

      Peter sat in the waiting room with Ned, anxiously bouncing his leg up and down. "She'll be okay, she'll be okay." Ned continued to say to Peter. Though, it sounded like he was saying it more for himself. "Ned... Stop." Peter demanded him quietly. Ned was quiet at once and just resorted to rubbing Peter's back. Then, the doctor walked in with the most sober expression on his face. "I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Parker." The blood drained from his face. "What---what---happened?" Peter was scared to speak.

"Your wife was very sick, however she will be fine-"

Peter cut him off in joy and confusion, "What do you mean I lost then?"

"Your wife was with child. The baby was lost." Peter looked into the doctor's eyes and felt tears well up. "Can I see her?" Peter asked. The doctor nodded and motioned for Peter to follow him.

They walked to MJ's room and Peter froze when she saw MJ holding their baby with tears streaming down her face. She looked up at Peter and let a sob escape her lips. "I didn't know..." She whispered. Peter moved to his wife and pulled her into his arms. "It's okay." Peter kissed her forehead. And they sat there crying silently. Drowning in the misery of their loss.

A/n: I'm going to publish a Peter Parker book! So I'm saving Peter Parker for that book. And I hope you all are as excited as I am! (Probably not though...) And it won't ONLY have Tom Holland's Spider-Man (even though we all love him)! It will have some of Tom's characters and a special someone else (IMHO) as well. So please, if you're interested, check it out! It would be much appreciated!

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