Fantastic Birthday...

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A/n: If you were here before this imagine, then this is just a clarification, I changed the title format to make it so that if the imagines aren't about Tom, it will say otherwise. (Ex. P.P, N.D, H.O...) Just thought I'd let people know.

I thought that I'd make this an AU instead. Also, Y/n kinda just makes a cameo. Soooo yeah. Please don't hate me.

Tom was abruptly awoken by Haz loudly blasting an airhorn. "Wake up mate! Guess what today is?" Harrison said into a megaphone for no reason at all.

"The day you finally move out?" Tom asked much to enthusiastically. "Wait, no. The day you finally leave your terrible girlfriend?"

"Um. No dude. Today is your birthday." Harrison flicked the back of his head.

"Oh, yeah that too."

"I've got the whole day planned, starting with breakfast. So get up, get dressed, and meet me at the car!" Harrison ran out of the bedroom closing the door behind him. As Tom got out of bed, he remembered Piper, his best friend who had moved to Florida months ago. She had always texted him on his birthday, even at 3am, and her birthday messages always made him smile. He checked his phone from any message from her. There wasn't one, just a conversation from the day she moved to Florida.

Pippy Short Stockings:
I'm here just thought I'd let you know!
Miss you already! I'll call u!
And, I can't wait to show you pics of my new house! 😍

A Very Useless Engine:
miss u toooo!
Me neither!

But that was it. She didn't call him, and she didn't show him any pictures of her new home. He would be lying if he didn't say that he was really disappointed. He sighed as he felt that sadness and disappointment hit him once again. He clicked his phone off and he slowly made his way to Haz's car.

As he began buckling his seatbelt Harrison noticed the dejected look on his face. "What's wrong mate?" He asked starting the engine.

"Nothing," Tom lied. "So, where are we going today?"

"Well, first breakfast, then we'll hit the golf course, then we're going to the theme park. Oh! We'll get lunch and we'll go on a girl shopping spree!"

"A girl shopping spree?" Tom raised his eyebrows.

Harrison rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. We'll shop like girls do at the mall! Shop until we can't carry anymore bags!" Harrison laughed at his own humor. Then he continued. "Then maybe we'll play some mini golf. And all I have planned after that is dinner. There's space in between those two things if you wanna' do something." Haz finished telling off his plans. Tom couldn't help but smile at the fact that Harrison had the entire day planned.

"No, it's sounds great." Harrison parked in the parking lot of Tom's favorite restaurant. Before he got out of the car Haz smiled mischievously. "Keep in mind, I intend on telling everyone that it's your birthday today."

"Don't you dare stupid." Tom threatened. Harrison quickly ran inside of the restaurant with Tom following him closely behind. "I've never had these pancakes before." Tom said scoffing them down. The problem was the pancakes had hazelnuts in them. He was severely allergic to hazelnuts. "Uh, Haz... I think these... have... hazelnuts." Tom informed with tears in his eyes, struggling to breathe. Harrison's eyes immediately widened.

"Oh, no. Hey waiter!" Harrison called laying Tom down and unbuttoning his shirt.

"Yes sir?" The waiter answered almost right away. Looking down at Tom in curiosity.

Tom Hollland Imagines (Aren't they all?)Where stories live. Discover now