Bath Bombs and Hot Chocolate (H.O) - Request

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Request by AGirlWhoLoveAvengers - It was a bit long so I didn't write it here.

Thank you for the request!
I hope you like it!

      Y/n Osterfield. Yeah, Osterfield. She and him had been married for fourteen months. And to say he was the best was an understatement. No words could ever describe how amazing he was. How well he treated her. How much he understood her and her feelings.

      She groaned as she walked into their house, tired and overworked. She had been trying to finish the custom order that a fashion model's agent had placed. And working non-stop for days. Almost a week, measuring, sewing, cutting, stitching. Non-stop. Had really started to take a toil on her mind and body. Her being a famous fashion designer, when her husband's a famous actor, entrepreneur, and male fashion model. Of course Y/n would have more custom orders than she could count. And handle.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she plopped down on the couch. Overworked and tired. "One more week..." She muttered to herself. Then the tears fell down her cheeks. "Who am I kidding? I won't even last 'till tomorrow." She sighed miserably and clicked on the TV. "Y/n?" Harrison called from his office. He must've heard the TV turn on. "Hey, Haz." She responded grimly. Soon afterward she heard footsteps heading towards her abd a door shut. She smiled tiredly as Harrison made his towards her and sat down next to her, just before he engulfed her in a warm hug that made her feel just slightly better. "Rough day?" He asked her. She nodded. "Hm. I'm sorry love... Well, if you go get rid of those clothes, put a robe on, and meet me in the bathroom I have something that might make you feel better." Y/n nodded and got up slowly. Followed by Harrison. As Y/n made her way to their bedroom, Harrison headed for the kitchen.

      He smiled absent mindedly as he put some hot chocolate on the stove. Putting it on low heat, he jogged towards the bathroom and stopped in front of the closet. He pulled out three candy cane bath bombs and set them down next to the Jacuzzi tub. Haz turned on the hot water then put on the playlist he made just in case Y/n ever needed to relax. He sat by the tub as it filled up. "I love that Y/n's passionate about her work. But she really needs to give herself a break." He sighed as he turned off the water and threw the bath bombs in. He lit some candles and dimmed the bathroom lights. Then he went to their bedroom to see how Y/n was doing. And no, he did not forget about the hot chocolate. He opened the door to find Y/n sitting on the bed in a bathrobe with her head in her hands. "Hey," Harrison began sweetly. "I know you're not feeling the best. But I have to show you something." He gently tugged Y/n up. And covering her eyes, he led his wife to the bathroom. "Okay. Here we are."

Y/n opened her eyes and gasped as she took in the sight of the bathroom. "You did this. For me?" She smiled genuinely for the first time that night. "Of course. Anything, and I mean anything, for my queen." He gave her a kiss on the temple then left the bathroom. Y/n sighed contentedly and lowered herself into the tub. "Thank you Haz." She said quietly leaning her head against the back of the cool material.

"You're welcome darling." She quickly picked her head up and saw Haz standing in the bathroom doorway with a tray in his hand. He smiled and moved to stand in front of the tub. "And, here." He handed her a warm cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. "A perfect cup for my perfect girl." Y/n grinned as she took a sip.

"It is perfect Haz. Thank you."

"Of course. I'll let you relax now. I love you." Harrison lit a few more candles before dimming the lights a bit more.

"Hazzy, wait." Harrison stopped in his tracks, smiling at the nickname that he allowed only her to call him. He turned around a tilted his head at her. "Thank you. I really needed this."

"I know Y/n."

"Thank you. For like, the hundredth time." Happy tears streamed down her cheeks, she was beyond grateful for him, as a sob escaped her lips. "I know. You're welcome. I know how much you like bath bombs and hot chocolate." She chuckled a watery chuckle. "Yea. I really do."

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