Who's Your Favorite?

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Tom entered his apartment to find his girlfriend playing on his PlayStation 4. He raised his eyebrows and made his way over to the couch where she was sitting, completely engrossed in the video game she was playing. "Hey love." She spoke without even looking away from the screen. "Hey," he greeted back. He squinted his eyes at the TV. "Are you playing a Spider-Man game right now?" He asks sitting down next to her. She nodded.


"How? I don't have that game." The only games he did own were the 'Uncharted' games. For now, he was planning on buying something else... someday.

"I brought it." There was no way Y/n would use her money on a video game. So he asked the same question, "How?"

"With your money."


"You said I could use seventy for clothes, right? Well, I just used most of it to by this game." Tom stayed silent. "And I'm glad I did!" Tom just sat there, content to watch the screen.

Later, Y/n made dinner while humming along to the game's soundtrack. Tom frowned absentmindedly. He missed when she would hum his movies' soundtracks. He snuck up behind her and snaked his arms around her waist. "Hey." She spoke, leaning into his chest.

"Hey." He kissed the top of her head as she continued cooking. "So, Haz was wondering. Not me, Haz. Who's your favorite Spider-Man?" She hummed in thought. Then she turned around to face him. "My favorite Spider-Man? The PlayStation Spider-Man. Oh! Do you think I could meet Yuri Lowenthal one day? That would be epic!" Tom nodded.

"But, you have a Spider-Man right here. Who needs to meet a voice actor?"

"He did mo-cap too!"

"What I'm saying, is that you have a Spider-Man, a real Spider-Man, right here."

"True... but still. It would be nice to meet Yuri Lowenthal." Tom huffed and picked her up. She screamed. "What are you doing?!"

Tom smiled wickedly. "Making you change your mind." He threw her playfully on the couch and began tickling her. "Hey! Stop!" She pleaded. Tom laughed as he continued tickling her. "Only if you say Tom's Spider-Man is the best!"


"Is what?"

"THE BEST ---" The tickling immediately stopped. (IDK though. Anyone that tickles me, must have a death wish. Yeah... They have a death wish :))

"That's what I thought."

"Come on Tommy. You know you will always have first place in my heart no matter what." She playfully hit him on the arm. "Don't ever tickle me again." She said menacingly.

"I won't. And I'm glad that you think I'm the best Spider-Man." He kissed her on the cheek and began walking away.

'"Of course..." She murmured softly, aware that he was out of earshot. "The Spider-Man on PlayStation is the best..."'

"I heard that!"


A/n: What on earth is this story you ask? I literally have no idea. I don't know why I wrote this... This is just so... Ugh! Cringey.

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