It was Always you (H.O)

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A/n: Anyhoo, Tom has like 66.4m followers on IG soooo that's great!

Also, over 840 reads guys! I never thought that I'd get that far honestly so thank you guys so much!

Harrison was getting ready for his game and movie night with his friends. Namely, Jacob, Tuwaine, and Y/n. He had just finished setting up when heard a knock on the door. He went to open it and he saw Tom and Jacob standing there, laughing about something. "Hey, Jacob!" Harrison greeted inviting them inside. "What's up?" Jacob asked, hugging him.

"Nothing too special." Harrison shrugged at the question.

"Except for that little plan for Y/n." Tom teased. He was about to say something else but quickly stopped himself when he heard the door swing open.

"Hόla my friends!" Y/n exclaimed running inside of the house.

"Y/N!" Tom greeted going in for a warm hug.

"Hey Y/n." Jacob calmy said.

Later, when Tuwaine arrived the five friends soon grew very tired of watching movies and decided to play a game instead. "Monopoly?" Tom placed the box on the table.

"Absolutely not," Y/n told him, removing the box. "It will be three years before we finish that game."

"Clue?" Jacob suggested. Harrison snickered as Y/n came up with an excuse for not playing that game as well.

"No. Because someone is going to complain about losing because somebody didn't give out all the information needed." As Harrison watched his friends bicker over what game to play, he smiled unconsciously at the sight of Y/n laughing at, what she deemed, their terrible game suggestions.

"What do you have in mind then?" Tom dared, folding his arms.

"I was thinking truth or dare." She grinned.

"No," Tuwaine mimicked her. "Because then, someone will get dared something stupid or have to tell their darkest secret."

"Okay, fine. Haz what did you think?" Harrison was shaken from his trance by the question.

"Hm? Oh, I was thinking maybe we could do trivia or some kind of quiz." The group instantly approved of the idea.

"Harry Potter please." Tom said holding the box of 99% Impossible Harry Potter trivia cards.

"No. Cause then you'll win. Maybe we could do a quiz about each other or something." Jacob took the box from Tom.

"I love it!" Y/n said happily.

The group had just started their game and it was Tom's turn to ask a question. His question was, "In one word. What would his friends describe him as".

"Dumb." Harrison said almost immediately.

"Funny!" Y/n responded.

"Short." Tuawaine snickered.

"Um. Spider-Man." You could tell Jacob didn't even care what his answer was.

"Well. Google says you would describe me as, obnoxious." Tom laughed, causing everyone else to laugh as well. Tom handed the iPad to Harrison for his turn. Harrison grabbed the iPad and chuckled slightly when he saw the question.

"Okay. Do you think I like someone?" Harrison chuckled a bit more. Tom grinned and answered first. "Yes. Absolutely. You definitely do. Maybe it's someone that we know. And yet. We don't know."

"Maybe I would describe you as chatty." Jacob began by making a joke. "Probably."

"Nope!" Y/n answered confidently.

"Yeah." Tuawine nodded showing Tom something on his phone.

"Okay," Y/n began. Standing putting her hands on her hips. "Why does everyone think Haz likes someone."

"Because he does, love." Tom replied.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Nobody said anything so the room was absolutely quiet.

"It's you." Harrison spoke up softly.

"Me?" Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing. The same boy that she had a crush on since high school just confessed he liked her?!

"It was always you," Harrison took her hands in his and squeezed them. "So, Y/n Y/l/n. Will you go out with me?"


Time Skip!

Harrison was driving Y/n home after a simple date night with her months later. "I still can't believe that you're dating me instead of that other girl I thought you liked." Y/n thought out loud.

"Well, it's like I said. You were always the one. Even if it took me a while to say it out loud." Harrison smiled at her as he pulled into her driveway.

"And you'll always be the one for me as well."

A/n: Okayy. I'm not exactly happy with this one, but feel free to let me know what you think about it, and... yeah. That's it.


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