Tom's Son Pt.2 (P.P)

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A/n: 2.K!!!!!! Everyone thank you so much! How did I even get that far?! Ya'll 'Da Best!!!

And who likes my new cover for this book? It's almost the same pose as the pic I had before!! Don't ask how I did it. I am the noobiest noob in Canva 😂

      Tom didn't know why he had done that. He hurt his own son. He had hurt his wife... He had hurt his daughter. Mentally not physically. He... Only... Hit his son.

There he was, with his back to the front door. Every time he tried to stop the tears from flowing, the dam broke. And so he gave up. While his family probably was enjoying his mom's tea and cookies he was in the big house all by himself, screaming and breaking things. As the same thought repeated itself over and over in his head, "You're never going to get them back... You're never going to get them back..." The thought was silent and in the background, like it was trying to haunt him. Trying to tell him that there was nothing he could do to bring his family back. And he hated it. "You're so stupid." He mumbled to himself. Then all at once his anger came rushing back. "YOU'RE SO STUPID!" He pulled at his hair as he sunk to the floor once more. "ARGH!" He yelled in frustration. "What am I doin'? I should not just be sitting here." He wiped the hot tears from his face as he stood again and grabbed his car keys.


      Peter was miserably sitting on Paddy's bedroom floor playing what was his favorite game. He wasn't so sure if he wanted to play at that moment though. "Hey, Paddy. I think I'm going to go find mom." Peter wasn't their biological son. But they were all he could remember. Paddy smiled sadly at him and nodded. "Okay, but if you need anything I'm here." Peter nodded in response and stood up to leave. As Peter left the bedroom he sniffled trying not to cry. "Mom?" He called out. "Mom?" He called again. She didn't respond. Peter sighed as he made his way down the steps of his grandparent's home. "Nan?" Peter tried. There was no answer from her either. "Grandad?" Peter called once more.

"Yeah bud?" His grandfather responded.

"Where's mom?"

"She went shopping with your Nan." Peter sighed and went to look for his grandfather. Peter saw him in the garage tinkering with his golf clubs. His grandad was too focused on what he was doing to notice Peter. Peter went up to him and stood there. "Hey bud what's up?" His grandpa asked, staying focused on the golf club in his hands.

"Nothing much." Peter shrugged, feeling empty inside.

"Okay. Let me know if something is bothering you. 'S a shame you never liked golfing though. We could've been unstoppable you an me." His grandpa smiled at the thought of playing with his grandson.

"It wasn't for me." Peter confessed. His grandad smiled at him understandingly. "Dad tried to take me once..."

      It was a fall day on a very empty golf course. Well, minus the husband and wife that were really competitive, but that was it. Peter and Tom walked onto the green for the first hole. "Okay bud. If we start you off now you'll be way better than Paddy." Tom informed his son, chuckling. Peter smiled but didn't mean it. How was he supposed to tell his dad that he didn't like golf? "Okay, so..." Peter toned his dad out as he sniffed the fresh air around him. Peter loved nature and everything about it. Even the predatory part of nature. He smiled as he listened to the birds chirp. "Got that?" Tom's voice snapped Peter back into reality.

"Uh huh." Peter responded dumbly.

"You didn't here anything I said, did you?" Tom raised an eyebrow. He always seemed to know when something was off about Peter.

"Nope," Peter admitted. "And how could I? Look at the amazing scenery." Peter grinned widely as his dad chuckled at his obsession.

Tom took a look around. "Okay, fair. You wanna learn though right?"

"Well," Peter bit his lip. "I don't really like golf." Peter closed his eyes, trying not to see the look of disappointment on his dad's face. "Oh. Well, that's okay. It's not for everyone I guess." Peter opened his eyes and looked up at him. "You're not disappointed?" Peter asked him curiously.

"Just a little. But if you don't want to learn you don't have to. Okay?"

"Okay!" Peter hugged his dad tightly.

      "Wow. Did he take you to get Ice Cream?" His grandad asked. Peter nodded just as he heard, "DADDY!" Peter tilted his head to the side at his grandpa. They both rushed towards the foyer to see Tom holding Selena tightly. "I'm so sorry..." He mumbled in her hair. "It's okay! I missed you!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek and wiggled out of his arms. Then her gaze landed on Peter. "Look Petey. Daddy!" She giggled. Peter's face paled as Tom's eyes moved to his figure. No, Peter wasn't ready to deal with that. Not yet. Peter sprinted in the other direction with tears streaming down his face.

He made it out of the open garage door and jogged towards the street. But before he could even put one foot on the pavement a hand stopped him and pulled him into a strong chest. Peter knew who it was but he didn't pull away. He needed the touch of his dad to know that there was hope.

"Why!" Peter sobbed out. He heard his dad inhale slowly.

"I - was having the hardest time at work and... I guess whenever I came home and saw you or Selena sitting on the sofa just relaxing. Instead of feeling happy and content, I felt jealous. So I avoided you guys to keep myself sane. And yesterday, I just snapped. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know there's no excuse for what I did, but I'm sorry." Peter felt a heavy burden lift off of his shoulders as his cries turned to sniffles. He pulled back and looked up slightly to see his dad's face. Tom had his own tears dripping from his face as he smiled sadly. "I forgive you..." Peter told him.

"You do?" He asked as if he couldn't believe it.

"Yeah. 'Cause I love you, and I know you didn't mean it now." Peter smiled as he hugged his dad once more.

"C'mon. Mum will be back soon and grandad is cooking." His dad said quietly. Peter smiled and walked back to the house with him.


      Tom apologized to everyone at dinner for his behavior and promised to never let it happen again. So they forgave him and Peter beamed to himself. Peter was Tom's son once again.

A/n: How was it? It took me like a week to write this. So, I'm sorry updates have been slow. It's been tough. But I'm getting there.

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