You're an Avenger Peter. (P.P)

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A/n: "Yer a wizard Harry." I guess... idk.
You can change Maria's name to your name if you want.

Peter sighed as he sat at the back of the of his Chem class. He just wanted to go to Avenger's Tower for the summer. He stared at the clock and let out a silent groan. Three more hours until he was free.

"Hey Mr. Stark! Hey Maria!" Peter greeted bounding into the tower. Tony and his daughter, Maria turned their heads to the sound of the bubbling teen. "Hey Pete!" Maria jumped up and ran to hug him.

"Ready to have your first summer at the tower kid?" Tony asked half smiling.

"Oh Yeah! I'm so excited," Tony fully smiled knowing that sentence marked the start of Peter's excited rambles. "Can we have pizza like every Saturday? Oh! We can watch Star Wars! Speaking of Star Wars! Ned and I bought the Lego Death Star again, because he damaged his other one a while back. But that's beside the point! And we also-"

"Okay Pete," Maria cut him off chuckling nervously. "I think we get it."

"What can I say? I'm excited!" Peter bounced slightly on the balls of his feet unable to control his smiles. Maria led Peter by the shoulders to his room at the tower and then left him there. "Bye!" Peter waved at her.

Peter threw his backpack at wall then placed his suitcase on the bed. He inhaled happily and smiled. After he finished unpacking his things, he left his room to find some company. He stopped in the hallway when he heard Mr. Rogers voice saying something gravely. "Let's move then." Tony responded to Steve. "Oh, and Mar'? Don't let Peter know. Yeah?"

"Got it. But can I come as well?"

"Yeah. Just make sure Bambino is occupied first." Peter frowned. They thought that he couldn't take whatever mission they were going on. Well, he was going to prove them that he could. Peter pretended to have just left his room. "Hey Marrie!" He greeted half-heartedly.

"Hey Pete! I'm going to hang out with my friends. And dad said that you can go out with Ned, but you can't go anywhere else." Maria left in the elevator and waved at him. Peter shrugged and called Ned.

"What up!" Ned answered.

"Hey! Do you mind going somewhere with me?"

"Is this on a secret mission?"

"Yes! Just, please Ned?"

"Uhhh... Okay. Fine!" Ned groaned and hung up. Peter pumped his fist and went to suit up.

When he met up with Ned they went to the place where Ned had tracked Maria's suit. "Can you believe that they let Maria come and not me?! I mean, we're the same age!" Peter sighed and handed Ned a communication com.

"I mean, I don't know dude. Maybe they just weren't ready for you to help yet." Ned took the com and put it in his ear. Peter shrugged and swung to the area where the Avengers were fighting.

"SPIDER-MAN!" Captain America noticed.

"Kid, what are you doing here!?" Iron Man asked blasting a robot alien.

"I can help! I'm an Avenger too you know!" Peter webbed up several of the robots in the time it took Cap. or Bucky to fight two. The rest of the team didn't say anything and continued on their mission.

After the mission, Tony pulled Peter aside and sighed heavily. "WHAT are you doing here?"

"I wanted to help! I can help too!"

"I told you to stay home Peter."

"Actually, Maria said that I couldn't go anywhere without Ned. So, if anything, it's kind of her fault that I'm here."

"What did you just say?" Tony looked into his eyes menacingly.

"I take that back." Peter sighed. "What are you going to say to May?" Peter asked Tony sadly.

"I guess there's only one thing I can say. You're an Avenger Peter." Tony smiled proudly.

A/n: Lol this is crappy. I just, I can't. 😂🤣🤣 Anyway... Moving on.


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