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A/n: Y/n/n = your nickname

Tom's Pov:
      I was sitting on my bed, the bed that Y/n and I shared, scrolling through my pictures on my phone to see if I could find any good pictures to post. Technically I wasn't supposed to be home until 5 but I got off early and decided to surprise the love of my life. Eventually I got bored and opened Instagram to scroll my best friend's, Zendaya's, not Haz's, account. I liked a few pictures, commented on a few, and tagged several. I smiled to myself seeing Y/n in a few posts. I commented on those as well. Then I came across a random account that was following Zendaya. They commented something saying, "Why are you friends with Tom Holland. We all know he sucks." I ignored it and kept scrolling. Then I accidentally clicked on the account. (This ever happen to anybody?) I intended to leave but was drawn in when I saw that this person had started a string of comments.

Instagram user 1: anyone hate Tom Holland as much as I do? (See main picture.)

Instagram user 2:@Instagram user 1, if u hate him then why is there a pic of him for ur post and why is his name start with a capital?

Instagram user 1: cuz I can! I can't stand it when people don't capitalize names!!!

Instagram user 3: I hate him too and he's so stupid as Peter Parker

Instagram user 2: Yep, he's a turd

Instagram user 1: He is so overrated and annoying. I don't get why everyone loves him, other than average person looks.

Instagram user 4: You're not alone. He's a douchebag

Instagram user 3: I absolutely despise him and am infinitely aggravated at the sight of his stupid, voluntarily ignorant & arrogant being. You can't call him an actor. He's a new age puppet of idiotic, tasteless and selfish sheep herd of a public. There are actors and then there are stars. The latter group is the product of mass idiocracy. (Did I write this one? Maybe not...)

I turned off my phone. It didn't bother me at all. I wasn't fazed at all. Maybe just a little bit? I sighed and slid off the bed. But before I could walk out of the room my phone buzzed. I know what you're probably thinking, "Don't check!" Well, I really couldn't help my self. Also, it's not like those haters could say anything to break me. So I checked.

Instagram user 4: sooooo true!

Tom Holland's soon to be friend: Hey! Stop hating on someone you never even met! He doesn't deserve hate, he's not arrogant, and he's not ignorant. So if you would just stop. Because technically he's a normal human being like the rest of us and deserves to live his life!

I hate Hollywood: @Tom Holland's soon to be friend: NONE! Of that is true about him! U know it! He's a selfish, arrogant, loser who deserves NOTHING! Also, the only REAL reason why y/n and zendaya are with him is because he probably put a knife to their throats and threatened to kill them! I feel so bad for Y/n/n! *nods*

I didn't keep reading. I threw my phone against my bedroom wall immediately. So childish of me but I didn't care. I was angry and sad, and for some reason felt really alone.

Zendaya's POV:

Ever since Tom married Y/n we rarely hang out anymore. It's not like I mind. Y/n makes him happy so I'm happy. But I do really miss hanging out with my best friend.

Y/n and I had finished running errands that she needed done. As we walked into Tom and Y/n's shared flat I heard a weird sound. I looked at Y/n who was putting up groceries and she looked at me. We both furrowed our eyebrows and headed towards the sound. Soon we realized it was coming from the bathroom. Who was in this house? I slowly inched the door open to reveal. Tom?

And he was on the bathroom floor with his knees to his chest with his head in his elbows, crying. I had never seen Tom cry before. "Tom?" Y/n asked softly. Tom whipped his head in our direction with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Darling? You are home earlier than expected. And hello to you too Z'." He greeted standing up.

"Are... You okay?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be? Oh, is it the tears? There's nothing to worry about. These are, um, were. Happy tears!" He played it off like it was nothing.

"Are you sure love?" Y/n asked him moving closer. He nodded and left like nothing ever happened. Y/n and I looked at each other worriedly. He played that off too quickly.

Tom's POV:

I hope that they won't suspect anything. I hope I wasn't too suspicious. "Love?" I froze when I heard Y/n's sweet voice. It was like something about her voice was begging me to tell her everything. Well, not why Zendaya was there. Never why Zendaya was there. Right?

I shook my head. "Love, I told you, everything is all right." I gave her a quick kiss on the lips then left the room. Zen' then came up to me and I mentally groaned. "Hi, bestie," she greeted. "Long time no see, eh?"

"Yeah. I guess so." I told her trying to walk away. But she grabbed my hand and turned me around. My eyes met hers and I saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Tom. What are you not telling me? What are you not telling yourself?" (Eh! Anyone?) At that, I broke down.

Y/n's POV:

Tom was crying again. This time in Z's arms. I had nothing against that of course. But I was the wife wasn't I? I shook it off and walked into the kitchen to see Tom and Y/n on the floor. Zen' was rubbing his back while he was breaking down. I went over to them and crouched down next to my husband. "Hey, babe. You okay?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head.

"No, not really. And it sounds really stupid as well." He said.

"Nothing's stupid if it makes a grown man cry Tommy." I assured him.

"Well, I was scrolling through Instagram. When I saw a few comments about-about... Me," Of course, Instagram comments. "They were just saying how I was... Dumb and threatening... And stuff like that."

"Let me see the post?" I gave him the option to let me see it or not.

"My phone's in our room."

I came back with Tom's phone, which was now severely cracked and unlocked it. My heart burned with anger when I saw what people were saying about him. Of course they probably wouldn't have the guts to say it to his face, but it could still affect someone. I handed the phone to Zendaya, who stood up. "Wow. I've seen hate but not like this." She said.

"Z'. It's not that big of a deal. Once it's been a while, I'll ask them to stop." Tom told her. He shrugged. "And, it doesn't really hurt that bad. Because when you think about it, they're probably just sitting in their room looking for people to hate on. Just because they don't have any friends or something like that." He shrugged again.

"Yeah, you're right. They're probably not real people anyway..." I watched as Zen placed the phone on the ground and extended her hand to Tom on the ground. Tom chuckled and grabbed onto her hand, using it to stand up.

Then he turned to me. "It's okay Y/n/n I don't believe what they say. Maybe I just needed a good cry? I mean doesn't everybody?" He grabbed me from around the waist and pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you." And with that he walked away. I smiled fondly and shook my head.

Wait. What did Zendaya mean by the Instagram users not being real people?

A/n: So, I don't have Instagram, I'm sorry if anything is inaccurate.

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