Hogwarts Au

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A/n: Because... who doesn't like Harry Potter?

You sat between your best friends, Tom and Harrison at the Gryffindor dining table. You scribbled away on a piece of parchment while Tom and Harrison whispered to each other across from you. Rude. "Would you guys please stop?" You asked half-heartedly. Harry sat across from you and snatched your parchment. "What are you doing anyway?" Harry asked looking the parchment over.

"Harry," you groaned. "Give it back." Harry smiled and handed it back to you. "You read it didn't you?" You asked him already knowing the answer. He nodded his head. You rolled your eyes at him and sighed.

"Careful Harry," Tom warned him. "If you get on Y/n's bad side. You won't be known as the boy who lived anymore." Harrison snickered at Tom's bad humor. You hit his arm playfully and stood up to leave the Great Hall. "Where you going?" Harry asked you.

"To the common area. I need quiet." You told them that you would see them later and left with a smile.

Later the next day, you were walking to meet Professor McGonagall in her office to receive some kind of special task. Just then you heard footsteps run up behind you. You didn't turn around and kept walking. "Hey Y/n! Wait up!" Tom called, soon catching up with you and adopting your walking pace.

"What's up Tom?" You asked as you kept walking.

"Well, you know how we were missing suddenly last night?" Oh, you knew alright. It was the talk of Hogwarts lately. Four students disappeared for some reason and had to serve detention sometime soon because they supposedly pulled off some big stunt. At least that's what you had heard from Neville.

"Who's we?"

"Um. Me, Ron, and Harry."

"What about Haz?" You questioned. "Why wasn't he there."

"He was sleeping. Okay, so we had to go to sneak into the Slytherin dorm and when we got there..." Your mine wandered as he talked about his grand heist. You stopped at Professor McGonagall's door and knocked. "...And when we got there, we thought we saw something. Harry said it was nothing. " Just then Professor McGonagall opened the door and let you in.

"I'll see you around Tommy." You said cheerfully. He waved and walked away. You smiled at Professor McGonagall and received your errands.

Tom's POV:

I really liked Y/n. Like a lot. And I know that sounds weird because we're best friends. But I still can't get over that feeling. But I know she could never love me like that though.

"Tom!" Hermoine called out to me. I waved at her from my spot on a bench. She took a seat next to me panting slightly. "Did you get it?" She asked. I tilted my head. "Did you master your new spell?"

"Oh. No, I actually did not. I'm still working on it." I chuckled sheepishly as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, it isn't that hard. You just need relentless practice." She stood up and left me all alone on that bench again. I sighed and stood up. I grabbed my robe from the back of the bench and put it on. Then I slowly and without purpose walked back to the dormitory area to maybe relax and read some kind of book for a while.

At the common area I hadn't picked up a book yet because I got caught up in a conversation with Neville about his toad. And it ran pretty long.

After Neville left, I picked up a book about the spell I was trying to learn. Then Y/n walked into the dormitory looking frustrated. I put the book down and walked over to her. "Hey. You okay?" I asked, concerned. She quickly looked up at me. But instead of that usual bright happy look she looked at me like I did something wrong.

"Am I okay? Absolutely not! That little stunt you pulled cost Gryffindor one hundred-fifty points."

"It wasn't only me though-" I tried to defend.

"That's not the point. The errand that professor McGonagall gave me. Was really just detention, with you guys! So am I okay?"

"I'm guessing not. But it can't be too bad. Right?"

"If you like going into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid." I froze. The Forbidden Forest? Why serve detention there of all places? I gulped and looked down at the floor.

"But why do you have to go with them?" Hermoine huffed.

"Because Filch is convince that I'm some kind of apprentice." Y/n responded rolling her eyes.

(Later because I am really lazy)

Second Person:

Hagrid had just walked the five students out to the Forbidden Forest with Fang following close behind. "And it's dark." Ron muttered. You sighed heavily then moved closer to Tom who was holding the lantern.

"Are you scared darling?" Tom asked you, grinning widely and nudging your shoulder.

"In your dreams Holland." You responded looking straight ahead of you. You then stopped when you saw a shimmer of silver out of the corner of your eye. You turned your head and moved towards it. As you bent down to examine it more closely you recognized it as unicorn blood. You gasped softly when you looked up and saw a dead unicorn lying on the ground. Then you squinted and saw a dark ominous figure drinking its blood. The figure looked at you and inched closer slowly. You shrieked. "Tom!" Then you mentally groaned. Why had you screamed that?

"Y/N?" You heard Harry ask worriedly. You closed your eyes as the thing moved closer. Just as you thought it was going to get you Tom appeared and scared it off. Followed by Hagrid then the other two. Tom yanked you to your feet and you collapsed into his chest. As he rubbed your back soothingly, he asked Hagrid what the figure was.

"Uh, nothing," Hagrid replied. "Come on. Let's go."

"Are you okay?" Tom asked in a whisper. You shakily nodded in his chest as you let tears drip from your eyes.

"It's okay. I've got you." Tom assured you kissing the top of your head. Then he pushed you gently away from him and began to follow the rest of the group. You walked mindlessly next to him as you thought about what he just did. Sure he was your best friend. But for him to kiss you like that. Then it hit you. He liked you and it was obvious. The way he looked at you, the way he always made you feel safe, the way he tried to impress you in every way possible. He did small things for you like carry your books and hold the door open.

When you got back to the dorms you were sitting next to Tom on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Both of you were reading books and sitting in total silence. Then you decided you wanted to confirm your thoughts. "Hey Tom." You said picking at the thread in the cushion.

"Yeah?" He responded putting his book down to look at your face. Giving you eye contact and being interested in what you had to say, was another sign he liked you.

"Can I ask you a really personal question? You don't have to answer."

"I'm pretty sure we've gone beyond being too shy to answer personal questions." He grinned at you.

"Okay! Do you like me?" You felt your heart rate speed up at the thought of his answer. You didn't know exactly why though. Maybe it was because you liked him slightly as well.

"Um..." He averted his eyes from your gaze. You quirked an eyebrow at him curiously. He took a deep breath and looked back into your eyes. "I do actually. I have for the longest time." He smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "But I've never told you because I thought you liked Harry and I didn't want to make things weird between us and I know you could never-"

"I like you too. And Harry? Really?"

"You always hang around him?" Tom shrugged and looked away again.

"Because he's my friend." You smiled as Tom's eyes came back to yours. You stared into his eyes for a moment as they seemed to glisten in the fire light. He grinned widely at you and took your hands in his.

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