Tom's Son (P.P)

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A/n: This wasn't supposed to be published until AFTER my hiatus. But because ya'll got me to 800 reads, I wanted to give it to you all now! This marks the official end of the countdown!

Hi! I'm Peter! Peter Benjamin Holland to be exact. I don't usually tell anybody though, because they might go crazy fangirl on me. Or some weirdo might try to hold me for ransom.

And it's exactly what you might think. I'm Tom Holland's son. It's not all sunshine and rainbows though. Well... It USED to be... I
And well. You know what, I'm not going to tell you why, I'm going to show you why.

Third Person POV:

Peter bounded down the steps of his home and slid into the kitchen on his socks. "Hey Petey!" His little sister greeted looking up at him.

"What up?" Peter greeted giving her a hug. She giggled but didn't respond. Peter sat down at the kitchen bar and sipped on a tall glass of milk. "Good morning bud." His mom greeted placing a stack of pancakes in front of him.

"'Morning mom." Peter replied taking a bite of his pancakes. "Where's dad?" He asked curiously.

"He left for work early. He's trying to finish up the film he's working on right now."

"Ugh! Again?"

"Yes again. Now hurry up so you can go to school." His mom left the kitchen and sat down in the living room. Peter and his sister exchanged glances. They knew exactly what the other was thinking.

Later that day, after dinner, Peter was helping his sister with a painting that they were working on together. He was doing this while doing his homework. As soon as they had finished the front door swung open and Tom stepped inside. Peter waited for some kind of greeting but there wasn't one. No, "Hey kiddos how's everything goin'?". No, "I'm home guys!". And there most definitely wasn't Peter's favorite. "I bought quaksons home from work!". Causing both siblings to giggle happily.

Peter's little sister got of her knees and ran to him, holding the painting. "Look what Petey and I painted together!" She said excitedly. Tom didn't even look at her. Instead, Peter watched as he pushed her out of the way and made his way towards the living room couch and started scrolling through his phone. "Um. Hey dad." Peter greeted softly, instead of bursting with energy like he always was.

Tom didn't even bother to look at him. Peter stood up and sat down beside him. Tom looked up from his phone and sighed. "What do you want?" Tom asked as if Peter was a burden to him. Peter looked down in shame, then he quickly regained his confidence. "No. Dad. What do you want from us? You act like we're not enough, act like we're burdens. Do you even care about us anymore?"

"If I didn't care about you would I have bought you that watch you always wanted?" Tom countered.

"That's not caring. That's bribing us so we don't catch on. You're different. You don't take us out anymore, you don't even care about Sissy's drawings. You used to help me with my homework and now, you don't even care."

"Peter, that's enough." His mom scolded.

"No. Mom he needs to hear this. You practically abandoned us! You abandoned mom!"

"You don't get to speak to me like that." Tom stood up from the couch.

"You know what?" Peter stood up as well. "I wish you'd never come back from making your movies! Just stay there since you care about your job, more than you care about us! Just stay there and never COME BACK!" Peter felt angry tears stream down his cheeks.

Peter saw the signs. He saw his dad's nostrils flare as he raised his left hand. He wanted to move but it was too late. Tom slapped him on his left cheek, hard enough to force Peter to collapse onto the floor. His mom came rushing to his side and helped him up. Tom's wedding band had left a cut on Peter's cheek. Peter looked up at his dad in shame. Tom's eyes widened as he took a step back. "Come on, we're leaving." Peter's mom said, grabbing her car keys.

"No, don't go." Tom pleaded.

"You hurt your kids and me. And yet you still have the audacity to ask that question?" Peter's mom rushed her kids out the door leaving Tom in the large house all by himself.

At his grandparents' house Peter sighed miserably as he touched his left cheek. "Honey, why don't you have some cookies. Paddy has video games you could play." His grandmother softly told him.

"Pete," Paddy started. "I've got Minecraft."

"He doesn't want to play Paddy." Peter watched as Paddy nodded and walked off. His grandmother did the same. Peter looked out of the window and uselessly counted the raindrops on the window.

"Dad," 7-year-old Peter asked, looking at the falling rain. "Can you count the raindrops as they fall on the windows." Tom looked at him and chuckled. "Buddy, how do you come up with these things?" Tom asked hugging him and looking out the window with him.

Peter shrugged as his dad inhaled. "Well, I don't think it's possible. But I'm sure your big brain can figure it out using math." Peter's eyes lit up as he nodded enthusiastically. He hugged his dad tightly and ran off.

Peter sighed again, more heavily this time. Just then his little sister ran towards him and hopped on his lap. She sighed and blinked away tears. "Petey, do you remember when dad took us to that theme park?" She asked, letting the tears fall. Peter nodded, remembering the bittersweet memory.

"Daddy look!" His little sister called happily. She pointed at rollercoaster that she happened to be tall enough for. "Oh! I love that idea! What'dya think Pete?"

"Yes please!" 10-year-old Peter exclaimed happily. Tom nodded and led his kids to the ride.

After the theme park and on their ride home Peter made a comment half asleep. "I love you dad. You're the best dad ever."

"Thanks bud." Tom chuckled.

Peter let tears fall down his cheeks in anger. But his anger was quickly replaced with sadness. And his silent cries were replaced with audible sobs. He felt his mom pull him close and he let her, melting into her comforting touch. "It's okay bud." She assured him.

"I thought I was his son!" Peter cried into his mom's chest.

A/n: What do you think, part 2???


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