Friendship and Emotional Filters - Request

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Request by: DiaPhantom - "Y/n and Tom messing with each other about their Snapchat stories and then acting like brother and sister when they actually like each other"

Thank you for the request!
I hope you like it!
And I know I say that before every request I write, but I actually really mean it. I just like how the words sound, so there you go.

Y/n's POV:
      I was currently sneaking through my two best friend's apartment with Snapchat open on my phone. I was destined to take the best picture I could for that days story. By best I meant the one that would make Tom rethink his most recent story. I snuck through apartment waiting for the perfect moment. I saw him sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone with the TV on. I snickered and aimed my camera at him. Just as I snapped a picture, he looked up at me. His stupid sixth sense. I froze in place as he menacingly glared at me. I quickly looked down at my phone and added text. Then I ran for my life. I was not dying to Tom before I could get my revenge. "Oh, Y/n!" Crap, I was going to die. I quickly posted the picture on my story and ran to hide in the bathroom.

Tom's POV:
It was just a nice day at me and Haz's shared flat. We had invited Y/n to come over and watch movie's with us.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room scrolling through my phone with some kind of cartoon on the TV playing. Then I got the feeling that I was being watched, so I immediately looked up. And... I saw Y/n frozen in terror. I glared at her just before she looked down at her phone. Then she ran. "She better run." I thought. I threw my phone on the couch and ran after her. "Oh, Y/n!" I called after her. Then I heard the bathroom door close. Whatever. I went back to the couch and plopped down, grabbing my phone. I rolled my eyes at Y/n's most recent Snapchat post.

 I rolled my eyes at Y/n's most recent Snapchat post

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Well I was going to get her to come back out. The truth was, I actually liked Y/n. Very much. I could never tell her though or else it would ruin our friendship. And our friendship was priceless. "Oi!" Haz called from his bedroom. "Could you squabbling siblings keep it down? I'm watching 'The Originals'!" I scoffed at his statement. Squabbling siblings? Yeah right. We didn't act like siblings... Right? Whatever, I could still drink Y/n's milkshake. I hoped it wasn't just vanilla.

Y/n's POV:
      I smiled as I heard Tom walk away. I cautiously opened the bathroom door and snuck out. Then I remembered my milkshake. It was on the kitchen counter. A strawberry chocolate milkshake that Tom would probably drink. I rushed to the kitchen, and sure enough Tom was drinking my shake. Long story short I managed to get another picture for my Snapchat.

 Long story short I managed to get another picture for my Snapchat

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And an unnecessary smack on the arm from Tom. I heard Harrison laughing his head off from his bedroom. "Love your post Y/n!" He called out. I smirked as Tom sent a playful glare my way. Then the one thing I dreaded came along. "Y/n. It's time to go. I'm waiting at the set." It was my dad. Good ole' Robert Downey Jr. I rolled my eyes at his text. "Tom could you give me a ride to set."

"Yea of course. Let me get my keys." I looked down at my phone. Another text from my dad.

Iron dad:
And NO riding with Tom

I texted back;

But dad...

Iron dad:
I like him, but you can't ride with him
Ask the blondie.

I shook my head at my dad's weirdness and told Tom Harrison would drive me. I knew my dad wouldn't want me dating Tom. Or liking him for that matter. I always hated how he didn't like the idea of me dating anyone. And anytime I brought it up his only answer was; "You're too young to be dating." It didn't work though. I was twenty-three. And never even had a Homecoming date. "HARRISON!" I screeched.

"WHAT!" He screamed right back.

"Please drive me to set!"

"Ask Tom! The next episode just started!" I rolled my eyes. "Dad won't let me." Silence on his end. "Fine! I'm coming!"

"Hey, Y/n... I really wish you could stay longer." Tom said to me, slowly putting down his keys.  "Yeah, me too." I responded with a sigh. "Hey. Let's go. I wanna get back to watch my show." Haz interrupted our conversation/see-you-laters. I smiled at Tom as he smiled back. "See ya."

"See ya Y/n."

(At the movie set)

      I walked onto set with a determined look on my face, ready to get my scenes done and perfected. Yeah, yeah, that's boring stuff. After we finished with that days couple of scenes, I told my dad how I felt about Tom. It took a lot of convincing but I finally convinced him to let me tell Tom how I felt. And even date him. And by a while I mean at least a week of non stop begging. Not even Robert Downey Jr. could resist his daughter's begging. I ran up to Tom's apartment happily. I knocked in my signature knock, the one him and I made up. And only we knew it. Tom immediately opened the door. "Hey Y/n! What's up?" I suck in a deep breath.

"I need to tell you something." I walked into the house and plopped myself down on his couch. He closed the door and sat down next to me. He nodded for me to continue. "Okay. So. I've had an emotional filter on for quite some time."

"On your Snapchat?" I laughed at his innocent question. "No. In real life. I thought that it would keep me from having feelings for you." He widened his eyes. "It didn't work though. I do actually."

"Are you saying you like me?" He asked surprised. I nodded slowly. "You really do?" He asked me. I nodded again, more confused this time. "I can see you're confused. The truth is, I like you too. I have since the day we first met. Like, forever ago." I smiled uncontrollably as he engulfed me in one of his signature hugs. Then he asked me out and of course I said yes. Then we went from there. And we agreed on one thing. No. More. Emotional filters.

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