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A/n: After the previous part, I'm sure some of ya'll need fluff. Not me though. I could write angst for forever and ever... *evil laughing*.

      Y/n, if Tom recalled. That was her name. She was his favorite barista at Starbucks. She was kind and cared about her customers. And she even took the time to draw little sketches on their cups. But on top of all that, she was pretty. Very Pretty.

He smiled unconsciously as he made his way to the counter to take his order. Of course there was nobody there on a Tuesday at 10 o' clock.

"Hey." Y/n greeted him cheerfully. He was definitely there almost everyday. Then again, so was she. She only worked everyday except for Sunday to take his order. He was nice and he was easily the most handsome man she had ever met. She could not stop herself from smiling at him. Tom, if Y/n recalled was his name. He was her favorite customer to take orders from. He was sweet and charming. He even paid for the drinks of those who didn't have the money. Why did they order without money though? Y/n would never know. "'Ello! The usual please." He smiled warmly. Y/n felt her heart try to jump out of her chest. "Of course!" She made his drink then took her pen and sketched a cute detailed flower. Then she felt bold, she scribbled her phone number underneath her name and a message specifically for him, then handed it to him. "Here you go. Have a good day!"

"Thank you! Oh! Can I ask you a question?" The girl in front of him nodded. "Where do you get your pens? They're really neat!"

"Um, my brother makes them for a living. Do you want one?"

"Sure!" Tom held his hand out as she placed a well made pen in his hand. "How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing," Y/n smiled. "And check your cup." She watched as he smiled at the flower she had drawn. Then his eyes flickered over to her name. And underneath that, her number and a hand-written message. 'Tom, right? I know you want this. Call me. Xo'

Tom smiled wider than he was before. He looked at her and sent her a wink. She smiled and took the next customers order.

Y/n was doing her best to sketch a picture of the boy she saw every day. When, her phone rang. She smiled an answered it, putting it on speaker phone. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hey! Y/n right? It's Tom. The everyday Starbucks customer?" He chuckled on the other end.

"Yeah I know. Hi!"

"Hi! So... I really like that pen you gave me. And I was wondering... Where do I buy some?" His British accent rang out pretty clear on the phone.

"Well, my brother and his wife own a website. And that's where you'll find the pens and other things. They're pretty expensive though. I'll send you the link."

"That's no problem. So um, how old are you?"

"We playing twenty questions now?" She joked finishing her drawing. He laughed at her response. She decided that she liked his laugh. "So..." She began smirking. "Don't English people drink tea?"

"Hey! I like coffee as well... Just... Not when I'm in England."

(A/n: Imagine that's the sketch

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(A/n: Imagine that's the sketch.)
The next day Y/n watched and waited for him to show up. But he never did. She couldn't help but feel disappointed. "Ooh! Are you missing Mr. Daily customer?" Her more obnoxious co-worker taunted. Y/n rolled her eyes. But she didn't disagree. "Just a little." She admitted.

"Oooh! Y/n is in looovvee!" Y/n rolled her eyes at her co-worker's childish singing.

Y/n decided it was time to walk her dog as she hadn't in a while. Before, she had resorted to using the treadmill she had to give him exercise instead. But she knew she couldn't keep her dog inside forever. Y/n fumbled around with the sketch in her pocket she was going to give it to him at Starbucks but he never showed. She sighed. "Hey Y/n!!!" A familiar British voice rang out. Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she turned around and her eyes met with his. She waved at him as he approached her. "You wouldn't happen to have seen a grey-blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier have you?"

"No. Only my own. Why?"

"She saw a cat and chased after it and I've been looking for her since this morning." So that's why he wasn't at Starbucks earlier. Tom sighed. It was almost dark and he still hadn't found Tessa.

"I'll help you look." Y/n offered sweetly.

"I couldn't do that to you."


"Okay. Thank you so much Y/n."

They looked and looked but Tessa was nowhere to be found. "Let's look over there." Y/n suggested. She turned her head to show him where she was pointing but he wasn't there. She turned a full 180 and saw him sitting on one of the benches looking at his phone. "Hey. We're still looking right?" She asked sitting beside him. Tom sighed heavily.

"What if. What if we never find her. What if she's hurt somewhere and we can't get to her in time. I can't lose her." He sniffed. Y/n understood, losing a pet was no small thing.

"It'll be okay. She's probably looking for you as well. We'll find her. I promise." Y/n assured him. As if on cue they heard a dog bark loudly. The dog continued to bark as it got closer. It was a happy bark. Tom looked out in the distance to see Tessa running towards him as fast as she could. "TESSA!" He got off the bench to get on his knees as he held his arms out. Tessa jumped into his arms as she licked his face in pure joy. "Oh my baby girl!" He cried, smothering her in kisses. Y/n smiled at the owner and his dog. Tom clipped a leash on her and stood up. "Thank you Y/n." He said to his human companion.

"For what?"

"For helping me find her. And, I was wondering... Would you go out with me?" Y/n smiled widely and nodded her head happily.

From now on Y/n's brother's company had one faithful customer and Y/n had one faithful boyfriend.

A/n: Okay... So I may have accidentally lied slightly about pure fluff, but still, this is a LOT of fluff. Let me know what you think

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