Twins Pt.2 (A.R & P.P)

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      Peter probably had the craziest day of his life. Tony Stark was sitting in his living room when him and his brother, Arvin walked in. 

Next thing he knew him and his twin were sitting on a private jet. Peter and Arvin sat facing each other as Happy, Mr. Stark's friend, snored silently in the aisle next to them. Peter watched as Arvin fidgeted with his sweater sleeves and bit his lower lip. Arvin looked out the window nervously and murmured, "I hope we lan' soon." Peter smiled as he saw this as a chance to tease Arvin. 

Peter moved to sit beside him and his brother chose not to acknowledge his presence. Peter scooted as close as he could. "Arv'." He whispered in his ear. "Arvin." He continued in a sing song voice.

"What?" Arvin mumbled grumpily. Peter grinned from ear to ear and relaxed in his seat, earning a suspicious glance from his twin. "Arvin.. did you know that if the window of the plane were to shatter we would be sucked out of the plane?" Peter grinned even wider, if that was even possible, as Arvin's eyes widened to the shape of dinner plates. "Don't say that." Arvin begged.

"Oh, but it is the truth." Peter teased some more. Arvin slumped down in his seat and folded his arms over his chest. Peter moved back to his seat and claimed victory. Arvin had a tough shell, but it could be cracked with a little light teasing. "Is this your first time on a private plane?" Happy's grumpy voice asked. Peter jumped a little, he hadn't even noticed he had woken up. "This's our first time on any plane." Peter chirped. Peter thought he heard Happy mumble a "oh boy" before moving to the front of the plane. Peter caught Arvin's cold glare and quickly returned it. He never understood why Arvin glared at him so much. When neither of them could hold it any longer they broke it. They both put their earphones in and turned on their favorite music. Arvin was a big fan of music from the 50's and 60's. Peter was a fan of anything and early 2000's, as long as it didn't contain swear words.

            After what seemed like an hour, the plane gave the indication that it had landed. Happy escorted the twins to their hotel and they both gaped at the sight. After throwing their luggage in the hotel room they barely had time to relax before Happy came to get Peter. "Put on your suit the team needs you." He told Peter hastily. Happy looked at the boy's double and asked Peter, "He knows right? Because I'm not dealing with one who is, and one who doesn't know." Arvin nodded his head subtly. "Yeah he knows. Him and only him. I mean well Mr. Stark knows because he's Mr. Stark and Mr. Stark-"

"Stop!" Happy and Arvin commanded at the same time. Peter rolled his eyes and went to put his suit on. When he walked out Happy immediately questioned his appearance. "What on earth is that?" 

Peter didn't understand. "What do you mean? It's my suit."

"Where's the case?" Happy questioned again.

"It's his suit. Leave 'm alon'," Arvin defended standing up. "He came here t' help. Not get shamed for 's suit. I can call May 'n tell her to take 's home."

"Where's the case?" Happy asked again unfazed by Arvin's sudden defense for his brother's suit. Peter still looked really confused. So Happy gestured for Peter to follow him. Arvin followed them just in case. Happy had to admit something he'd never admit out loud though, he admired Arvin's protectiveness over his brother. 

       When Peter returned to his hotel room he was drained. Captain America had beat him up real bad as well. 

He could see why Mr. Stark didn't like him at all. Peter removed his new high tech suit and threw it on his bed. He really liked his new suit, he just wished he could keep it. 

     "What happened to your eye P'?" Peter heard his brothers familiar voice and whipped around. He had just taken a shower and the last thing he needed was Arvin relentlessly questioning him. But how did Arvin even know that there was something wrong with his eye? "Um. Captain America?" Peter pulled a t-shirt over his head. "Did you take a shower?" Arvin asked standing beside him now. Peter rolled his eyes, shook his head and gestured to his damp hair. "Doesn't my hair answer your question?" He asked rhetorically. Arvin shrugged and ran a hair through his hair. "How do I know you didn't just run some water on it?"

"Oh please. You're only saying that because you do it. I know you do." Peter huffed and walked back to the shared bedroom. Arvin followed him determined to continue the conversation, Peter knew it. "You know, the only reason why I asked 's cuz I don't want you to get in trouble." 

"What? And you don't?" Peter sat on the bed and grabbed the TV remote. But Arvin took it from him, setting it down on his nightstand.

"Well, I am older than you..."

"By one minute," Peter exclaimed flabbergasted. "You know you get in way more trouble than I do! What makes you think-" Peter was cut off by knocking on their door. "Hang on a sec," he told Arvin. "Just a minute!" Peter backflipped off his bed just before the door opened revealing a annoyed looking Happy. "Hey." 

"We have thin walls here." Happy simply said before walking away. Peter shut the door behind the older man and walked back to his bed. Arvin snickered and Peter playfully rolled his eyes at him. "And that's why I'm the older one." He told his brother. Peter rolled his eyes again. "Well, you're the one who started the conversation so haha." Peter whispered mischievously. He laughed quietly then walked away. "Hey, 'P," Arvin called after him. "Wait up silly." He ran after Peter as quietly as he could and threw his wet towel at him. Peter laughed and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Arvin rolled his eyes and walked away from the door, snickering. 

Tom Hollland Imagines (Aren't they all?)Where stories live. Discover now