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There was a quiet knock on my door, only taking a second until it cracked open. My mom stood there and leaned against the doorway, giving me a sad smile. 

"This feels so weird. I thought I'd have more time with you." She said and it made my heart ache. 

I sighed, pausing as I was packing my suitcase. "You can't talk like that, mom. It's already hard enough to do this." 

She nodded, coming in completely and walked towards me. I turned to face her, and she had to look up but she swept my hair back and rested her hands on my shoulders. "Don't think about things that could go wrong. I'll be here, waiting." 

"That sounds rather ominous." I replied and she lightly smacked my shoulder. 

"It was supposed to be comforting." She said, dropping her hands. "I'll drive you to the airport. It's mostly for my benefit." 

Yunho's classes started a week ago so he's already been gone for about a month while preparing for everything. That's how long it took me to figure out how to bring it up and say goodbye to my mom. The decision was way easier than I thought it would be. I wasn't sure I could imagine a life where I didn't have Yunho by my side. 

I zipped up my suitcase and carried it with me down to the car. Despite my mom's sweet demeaner and how soft she seemed, she didn't hesitate to turn on heavy medal. She sang it softly like it was a pop song despite the screaming blasting through the car. 

Once we got to the airport, she got out and walked around the car, giving me a huge hug. "Okay. You better go before I start sobbing and make this awkward." 

I chuckled, letting her go after embracing her tightly. "I love you, mom." 

"I love you too." She smiled, squeezing my shoulder. "Call me when you make it. Actually call me before too, just in case you get bored. Yunho should be picking you up from the airport. If he doesn't, tell him I'm going to kick his ass." 

I scoffed, "I will, bye." 

She waved me off and I made my way inside. This was the first time I was flying, or going anywhere outside of Korea. 

I was terrified. 

After 13 long hours, I was spent. The only thing that gave me the amount of energy I needed was seeing Yunho waiting with a huge sign that said, "MINKY PRINCESS!!!" 

I broke out into a grin and rushed over to him where he quickly tossed the sign and hugged me. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're actually here! This doesn't feel real." He said when I was close enough. 

I laughed nervously, looking around and then back to him to stay grounded. My excitement had worn a bit from the long hours of the flight. "How's college?" 

"It's...crazy. I guess I expected to stick out but there's a lot of people I've already made friends with. Especially my roommate, his name is San. A lot has already happened and I can't wait to fill you in, and introduce you to some people." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and grabbed my suitcase with his other hand, walking me out of the airport. 

I was immediately comforted knowing that he was by my side. I had missed him beyond a reasonable amount. 

"Also you don't have to worry about speaking english, a lot of my friends speak korean so you'll feel right at home. San already said you can stay with us, which I'm glad he did it willingly or I would've had to fight him on that. There's no way I'm letting you out of my sight." He grinned at me and it made my heart ache, I looked forward to try and keep down the blush I felt rising. 

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