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I heard a scream from the other room and it made me jump up in a panic, I knew that it was Mihi's right away so my eyes darted to Yunho but...he didn't even look up.

"Was that Mihi?" I asked. 

"Yup." He said, continuing to go over his work. 

"Isn't it concerning that she screamed?" I continued, not understand his indifference.

He looked up, smirking. "Just wait." I listened closely until I heard another voice. It belonged to San's. I gave him a questioning look. "They fight like that 24/7. You get used to it after awhile and learn to tune them out." 

Not being able to help my curiosity, I left Yunho's room and peeked into the living room. They were on opposite sides of the coffee table and San looked ready to murder. 

She spotted me and gave me a pleading look. "Mingi! Help me!" 

"Stay out of this Mingi!" San snapped, 

He lunged for her which she quickly dodged, putting space between them again. Before I could ask what it was about, San answered my thoughts. 

"How could you give me number out to a stranger?!" He shouted. 

She put her hands up defensively. "I did you a service! He's exactly your type and vice versa!" 

  "If he's friend's with you, I can guarantee that he's not my type!" His continued to shout at her. 

"Okay, first of all, hurtful. Second of all, I will call him right now and tell him you said he's ugly if you don't leave me alone!" She warned. 

"DON'T YOU DARE!" San leaped over the coffee table at her pulling her phone out and she screamed again, bolting to the kitchen. 

"JUST SEE IF HE TEXTS YOU! IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR SINGLE ASS IS GETTING ON EVERYONES NERVES!" She shouted as they played a game of cat and mouse. 

I watched the whole thing unfold and then Yunho came out, wrapping an around me and resting his chin on my shoulder. 

"Should I help her?" I asked. 

He shook his head, "No, if she wanted to, she could floor him. He might've been raised by a taekwondo instructor, but she can mess him up."

   And now I remembered what she told me about her hobby, it made me see the situation different. I noticed that she looked like she was having fun instead of actually being panicked. 

The thing that finally stopped them was San's phone dinged and he paused to check it. "IT'S HIM! WHAT DO I DO?!" 

Mihi snatched the phone from him to read the text than gave him a winning smile. "Ha! Who's the best wingman?! I am!" 

"I have no idea what to write back..." San breathed, his panic rising. 

Mihi noticed and became more serious. "Breathe, San!" She read the text again. "He's just asking if you want to hang out. That's simple." 

San looked like he was on the verge of commiting murder again. 

"Just invite him to get coffee! How do you even date?" She muttered the last part. "It's fine, he's an extrovert like me." 

"Don't compare him to you." San warned which made her pout and she tossed his phone back to him. 

"Why are you so mean to me? I'm your best friend!" 

"No, you're not. Not anymore. Yunho has been upgraded to that status." He said, looking down at his phone as he figured out what to text back. 

"Damn, babe. You've been take down a level." Yunho said, going to his girlfriend's side. His warmth around me being greatly missed. 

I tried to not let it sour my mood. 

"Fine! He's not my best friend either. Mingi is now my best friend!" She said, nodding like she just confirmed it. 

I raised my eyebrow at her. 

"Just for today!" She begged. 

"What does being a best friend entail..." I asked hesitantly. 

"Um...don't chase me around the apartment like a total maniac?" She answered. 

"You deserved it." San muttered. 

In response she stuck her tongue out at him which he missed, too busy with the texts he was sending out. 

"I have no desire in chasing you anyway." I said. 

"Perfect! We're besties. At least for right now." She grinned at me and I hesitantly smiled back. 

Yunho was driving Mihi home so I was alone with San, who was chewing anxiously at his nails. "Is it that bad?" I asked. 

He blew out a breath, looking up at me. "Yes! I told her I didn't want to be set up with this guy!" 

"Why?" I asked. 

He showed me a picture. "Are you serious? Look at him! She told me that he's been in a lot of other relationships. I haven't! I'm awkward and...he won't like me. I know he won't. How am I supposed to even meet him? I don't know why she keeps trying to set me up with people, I've bombed every date I've been on."

"Do you want to be in a relationship?" I asked, sitting down in front of him. 

"I don't know. I kind of just thought I'd be alone forever, if I'm being honest." He said. 

I was a bit surprised to hear that he was bad at dating, being around him long enough, I've already had people come up to me for his number. Luckily, my understanding of english is not that great so it's easy to pretend like I have no idea what they're saying. It wasn't that unusual because it's happened to me a million times with Yunho. 

He really was a homebody who stuck to his close friends. Maybe that's why I thought he was so cool. 

"Mihi said he was a friend of hers." I said, not sure what to say because I didn't know nearly enough. 

"I know, I know a tiny bit about him. I just don't do well with meeting new people sometimes. It's one thing if it's just a friend, but setting me up for a date? I'm going to make an idiot out of myself, I just know it." 

I shrugged. "So what? If the date bombs, it bombs. It's not like you'll see him again since he never comes around. Plus your dorkiness is one of your charms. Don't think too hard about it." 

"I'm meeting him for coffee tomorrow." He said. "What am I supposed to wear?" 

I sighed, "Ask me tomorrow. I'll help you figure something out." 

He gave me a small smile, "Thanks, Mingi. I know I'm just freaking out for no reason." 

"I can relate." I said and stood up. "I'll make something to eat." 

He nodded and put his phone away. 

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