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The lines that were supposed to exist between the three of us were extremely blurred. San called us out on it a couple a times, but I just decided to ignore it. Sure, none of us knew what was really going on, but we were just doing what made us comfortable. 

And right now, I was pretty comfortable. 

We should've talked about where we all stood with each other, but I wasn't sure how to bring that up to Mingi. Which probably wasn't fair, because now he was cuddled up to my chest and Mihi was playing with his hair. 

It wasn't long before Mihi fell asleep, leaning against Mingi. I noticed the smile he had when he heard her soft snores. "Is it weird to say that I'm happy like this?" He said quietly to not disturb her. 

I shook my head, "No." 

Without thinking, I gently traced the outline of his lips and it made his eyes widen. "Mihi thinks you're acting strange." He blurted. 

I sighed, "I know, we already talked." 

He relaxed a little. "Oh." 

"You know I love you, right? And I can't live without you." I said, forcing myself to bring my eyes back his. 

His brow furrowed slightly, "Where's this coming from?" 

"I just wanted you to know." I said honestly. 

His gaze wavered, our faces only centimeters apart now. "I'm in love with you." 

My hand froze and I searched his face to see if he was lying. "What?" 

"I have been since we were kids. I'm too tired to keep lying to you anymore. I was going to tell you when I moved here to stay with you, but you had a girlfriend so I didn't." He explained. 

I cupped his cheek, "I'm sorry if I hurt you." 

He shook his head. "I'm not hurt, not anymore." 

I didn't want to say anything back, and it took all of my willpower but I didn't kiss him. Our relationship was weird, but just because Mihi knew I liked Mingi, didn't mean she was okay with anything more. We had so much more to talk about and it wasn't fair otherwise. I still loved Mihi and I respected her feelings. I wouldn't hurt her unnecessarily. 

"I talked to Mihi, I think we're all pretty confused, huh?" 

"I don't think it's confusing how Mihi or I feel about you, I guess I'm just confused where Mihi and I stand with each other. I think it's very obvious that we don't hate each other." 

"Do you like her? More than a friend?" I asked, hoping for an honest answer. 

"I think so. I just don't exactly know what it is. I mean, she's your girlfriend, Yunho. It makes things complicated." 

I sighed, "I know. We need to talk about this. Without feeling like we have to tiptoe around each other all the time." 

"Let's wait until Mihi wakes up. Right now, we can just sleep." He said, snuggling up between Mihi and I. "It's warm right now." 

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