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I felt Mihi's lips against my jaw and it made me let out a breath. My brain became muddled. "Not what I expected." I murmured. 

I felt her smile and the vibration caused by her giggle. "I'm a book girl, babe. I've read things you could never even imagine." 

"Oh?" I said, feeling her breath hot against my skin. Holy shit. 

"Do you want me to show you?" She asked, her lips trailing lower. 

"Fuck, Mingi..." 

Her body tensed and she sat up, her eyes meeting mine. "What?" 

"What?" I asked, just as confused. 

She sat there, dumbfounded. "I think...fuck. I'm sorry. Do you mind if we don't do this now? Um..." 

I nodded, "Yeah! Of course. I don't want you to feel pressured or anything." 

I was still confused when she got up and left and I sat in her place, equally as dumbfounded. 

It took me way longer than it should've to understand what went wrong, and the moment I realized, I went a little crazy. 

I didn't know what to do, so of course I decided what better way to deal with my stupidity, then to go to Seonghwa, one of my closest friends since I moved here. 

I couldn't go to San and tell him, "Oh yeah. By the way, when your best friend and I were about to have sex, I said Mingi's name instead of hers." 

He would skin me alive. They've known each other ever since they were kids. there was no way he'd let me live knowing I did something so stupid. 

I also couldn't go to Mingi. I already made an idiot out of myself by saying that he seemed like he was in love with me, which was the douchiest thing I could do to him. then I come back tell him this? 

I needed someone unbiased and someone who didn't have a judgmental bone in his body. I mean, he judged people all the time but still, he was too nice to actually be mean to me.

Seonghwa came in with a smile and immediately opened his arms to hug me. It had been a minute since I've seen him. He was also a dance major like San and I but he had been busy with his new crush.  

"What's going on? You were panicking on the phone." He said, sitting on my bed, getting comfortable. 

"So, I did something really dumb. Like really dumb." I said, feeling the panic all over again as I paced around my room. 

"Like what?" He asked, getting too comfortable because he started cleaning up my room like it was second nature. 

With him, it was. 

"So, you know Mihi." He nodded. "We were about to...you know."

He paused, giving me a warning look. "I love you, Yunho. But you know I'm not into that straight shit..." 

It was a running joke with him to sometimes treat straightness the same way that homophobes treated gays, and despite being straight, I thought it was hilarious. 

I shook my head, "I know, just bare with me. Anyway, we were...getting serious and then instead of her name..."  

"Oh god no-" He breathed, his eyes widening. 

"I said Mingi's name." I said. 

"Oh...you got me scared for a second. I thought you said another girls name, now that would've pissed her off. Hell, that would've pissed me off." He said. 

"I still said someone else's name!" 

"Yeah, Mingi's. She knows you're straight, Mingi is just a friend, and their names are pretty close. What happened anyway?" 

"She got up and left." I said, sitting at my desk feeling defeated. 

"Well, friend or not...that would ruin the mood." He said. 

"That was going to be her first time." I said. 

His mouth shaped into an "o". 

"Yeah...she's going to need a minute. It takes a lot of preparing for your first time..." He looked me up and down. "Maybe not for you but it would for her. Having the moment ruined like that, means she had to do it all over again and prepare." 

"Would she really not be upset?" I asked. 

"Ask her." He said simply, finishing cleaning up my room. "You won't know otherwise. Don't take my word as law. I'm just saying what I think because I know her. It's not like you're into Mingi like that. She knows that." 

"Right!" I said, letting out a breath but my chest felt like it was being crushed, but I didn't know why. 

Mingi and I was just friends. 

Why did I even have to question myself on that? Of course we were just friends, what else would we be?! I was just being overdramatic. Seonghwa was right, his name was just really close to Mihi's. That's it! 

I was driving myself insane by the constant questioning in my mind. 

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