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Wooyoung and I were practicing late until I dropped of exhaustion.

Wooyoung saw me through the mirror and decided to take a break as well, grabbing two waters and then sitting beside me.

"You overdo it?" He asked, opening mine for me before handing it to me.

"Always." I said, though it wasn't much of an accomplishment.

"Your mind is elsewhere. What's up?" He said, using his hands to prop him up, too tired to sit up on his own.

"You know Yunho?" I asked.

"Never heard of him." He said flatly. I kicked his shin. "Of course I've heard of Yunho. Everyone knows Yunho at this point. Our neighbor knows Yunho, he's all you ever talk about."

"Well, the problem is that Yunho is amazing-"

"Oh what? Really?" He had the same sarcastic tone and it made me think about not venting to him. "Sorry. Continue."

"Asshole." I muttered, "He also thinks I'm amazing. But...but I'm not! I'm not as good as he thinks I am, and I'm afraid he'll drop me when he finds out."

Wooyoung's face twisted into confusion, "Why are you not amazing?"

I let out a defeated breath. "Its my mom's anniversary coming up."

His face fell as he realized. "Oh..."

"And every time Yunho compliments me, I always think of her voice. And even if I just think that it was because she was mentally ill, then I realize that I'm her daughter. What if I become crazy?"

"You're not going to go crazy, Mihi!" He scolded me. "Its not like you're lying to him or anything."

"He seems so perfect sometimes." I sighed.

"Well, he isn't. Because he thinks the same about you, and you aren't. Nobody is, you're just in the honeymoon phase right now. Wait a minute and then when problems come, work on them. Unless they are Red flags then ditch his ass."

"You know, for someone who has a terrible love life, you don't give bad advice." I said.

"I know. I'm just telling you to do the opposite of what I usually do." He smirked at me.

"So how is your love life?" I asked. "Are you ready to be in a healthy loving relationship yet, or are you just going to stick to hookups and toxic bastards?"

"I am a new man! I am single and ready to dive right back into the dating pool. Find me a husband, my sweet little matchmaker."

I cringed at the nickname, "Every time I find you a guy, you turn them down."

"That was old me, remember? This is the new me!" He grinned, making me roll my eyes.

"What about that one guy I've been trying to set you up with for almost a year now?" I asked, knowing damn well he would kill me if he found out I handed his number to Wooyoung.

"Is he hot?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"Oh great." He muttered.

"He's....yeah." I laughed. "Sorry, he's like a brother to me."

I showed him a picture from his Instagram, because none of the pictures I had in my phone of him were good looking enough. I doubt San wanted me to use a picture of him being a total dumbass.

"Are you being serious right now?" Wooyoung asked, doubtfully. "Are you just showing me another model?"

I burst out laughing, "Oh my god! That would be a huge compliment to him. He'd appreciate that."

"I'm not joking. Either that or he's a kpop idol." He said, looking at the picture again.

'He's a dance major like Yunho, so he's in his class. We however, are lower class dancers so." I pulled my phone back to keep him from drooling.

"That is not a dancers body..." He said, looking doubtful again. "Yunho is more of a dancer body. That is jacked."

I shrugged, "We work out together sometimes when he has time. He usually likes to lift weights though."

"Oh so he works out like a normal person then? Not like you, fucking Amazon warrior."

"It helps me relax." I said and he sent me a exhausted look. "So?!"

"Oh, you were being serious? You really want to set me up with him? I look like a potato!"

"Right now, maybe. But take a shower and boom!" He usually wore makeup on a daily basis, not much, just a little. He thought it made him look better and I was fine with it, as long as he didn't think he looked ugly otherwise. Cause he really didn't. His bare face was perfectly fine.

"Do you have any good picture of me?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I've been upgraded to your personal photographer. Especially since Jongho got tired of it." I chuckled at that.

Wooyoung spent a lot of time on dating websites and he posted a lot of pictures on social media, so I usually took pictures for him.

"Don't send it to him. Just give me his number and I'll text him." He said.

That was a bad idea.

"Sure!" I said, smiling and giving him San's number. "Don't fuck with him though. I'm serious. I love you but I don't want to see him hurt. He's a good guy, which I will kill you if you tell him."

"If anything he'll break my heart. Holy shit." He said, remembering what he looked like.

I rolled my eyes, "And to think you turned down my offer how many times?"

"I regret my choices. I'll repent." He clasped his hands together and I smacked him.

"Okay. I'm going, don't kill yourself here. Yunho is probably still practicing so. Unless you want to come with me and meet San?"

"Nope! I need time to become presentable. I don't want him to think a rat got loose."

I scoffed, "That better be a joke!"

"Obviously. I'm prettier than you on your best day." He said as I was leaving.

I paused just to flip him off. "And with that, I am keeping San away from you."

"I already have his number!" He poked his tongue out at me.

Absolute child.

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