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If I was being quite honest, I was panicking a little whenever I was around Mingi. And it only caused me more distress. 

I wasn't out of love with Mihi or anything. Which was why things were so hard for me to figure out. I still loved being around her side, I still found her wildly attractive, and I still felt the same butterflies whenever she looked at me. 

But then Mingi would walk in, and those butterflies would turn into bees and I couldn't rip my eyes away from him. It was probably wrong that I would be next to my girlfriend and the moment he came in, I called him over so I could have him too. It was a huge mistake too, because it was becoming more and more hard to not want to touch him in the same way I could touch Mihi. My brain was so muddled every time the three of us were together, but this is what I wanted. So why was I freaking out so much? 

Another thing that greatly disturbed me was when Mingi said that Wooyoung asked if Mihi had ever wanted to have a three some with the two of us... 

I wasn't opposed. 

The idea should've been disgusting in itself, but ever since it was mentioned, I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

I was eating dinner alone with Mihi when I randomly brought up, "I don't think I'm straight. 

She paused, putting her fork down as she took in what she just heard. "Okay. Are you...." She hesitated. "Are you okay with that?" 


"Are you?" I asked. 

"Well...you're still into me, right? Like this isn't your way of breaking up?" 

"No! Of course not!" Fuck, of course it would've sounded like that. I was a fucking idiot. 

She sighed, "Then no. I mean, I'm not straight. San isn't straight. Mingi isn't straight." She shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal, as long as you're okay with it." 

"Wait, Mingi isn't straight?" I blurted, feeling incredibly dumb for not knowing.  

"You couldn't tell? I mean, I think he's into women but have you seen him check out some guy asses." She said it so casually. 

No, I guess I hadn't noticed. He never really talked about it. He just didn't usually date so it didn't come up. 

My best friend of years and I didn't even fucking know he wasn't straight. 

"How'd you figure it out?" She asked. 

I couldn't really tell her it was because I've been daydreaming about fucking my best friend. 

"I guess I was just curious." I said, giving a half-assed answer that she didn't look satisfied with. 

"Yunho..." She paused. She always hesitated before she said something, like she needed to think it through completely before she said it. "Do you...find...Mingi attractive?" 

"Yeah. He's a good looking guy." I said and she gave me an annoyed look. 

I stayed silent longer than I should've and it gave her the answer she needed. "So I was right." She said to herself and I felt confused. What? What did she mean she was right? "Wow...this is new to me." 

"I'm sorry, Mihi." 

Her eyes met mine. "About what?" 

"This is weird, I know it's weird. We're dating and-"

"Before you start, I'm going to have to cut you off. I'm not upset. Just confused. I guess it's kind of a relief knowing that you are just as confused. I mean Mingi is confused. You're right, it's weird, but I think it's weird because none of us know what's going on!" 

"I'm sorry this is so confusing. It feels like I just dragged you into some sort of love triangle." I said and she gave me a humorous smile, like she knew something I didn't. "A book thing?" 

"A book thing." She confirmed that that's what she found funny. "We'll figure it out, things stopped being normal the moment Mingi came, so it's not like the weirdness is new or anything." 

I frowned, "Do you...do you think he's a problem?" 

She blinked. "No. No, he's not at all. I'm just saying that that's when we stopped being a normal couple. There's nothing wrong with that. I mean, this affects him too, you know? Cutting him out won't fix anything, actually it'll make everything absolutely way worse for everyone. I mean..." She got lost in thought. "I don't know, we should all talk and figure some things out. I don't like the idea of any of us just getting cut out suddenly." 

I was relieved, because despite the confusion, things were going really good. I just wasn't sure I could not choose Mingi. 

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