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"Yunho, hurry up." I muttered to myself, waiting outside of the store with Mihi. He forgot something so he decided to go back inside. Mihi was exhausted of walking so she opted to stay outside, and from the incident that happened a week ago, I decided to stay with her. 

"If I find out that he got lost in the gaming section, I'm commiting murder." She groaned. 

I smirked, "Hypocrite." 

"Oh definitely." She chuckled, constantly shifting her weight as she struggled in obvious pain. 

"You want me to carry you?" I asked. 

"I'm waiting until Yunho comes back as payback." She said. 

"Mingi!" I heard another girl's voice, that I recognized all to well. But that was impossible. She was still in korea. 

Tara, one of Yunho's ex's walked up to us with a smile. 


"Oh my god, it's been so long!" She eyed Mihi warily. "Is this your girlfriend? Did you finally get over your crush on Yunho?" 

Mihi straightened, "I'm Yunho's girlfriend." 

"Oh really? So you're fine with him-" She gestured to me. 

Mihi gave me a confused look. "Yes? Why wouldn't I be?" 

Tara stared at me, "Mingi knows, don't you?" 

She was one of the many girls that got broken up with because they hated me. She always blamed it on me, and hated me ever since. I never told Yunho but even months after she sent me messages just to tell me how much I ruined her life. 

"Just wait until you get to know him, Mingi has latched himself to Yunho like a leach. Believe me, one word from this freak and Yunho will drop your ass, just like he did with me. Mingi is a disgusting piece of shit." 

"What?" Mihi asked. I put my hand on her shoulder to try and explain better but I didn't really want to say anything.

She turned her attention back on me. "I can't believe you're still so desperately clinging onto him, it's obvious that he's sick and tired of you and he's only keeping you around otherwise he knows you'll kill yourself if he leaves you. You pathetically being in love with him got old a long time ago, Mingi."  

 She looked at Mihi. "I'm warning you, do whatever you can to get him out of the picture otherwise-" 

She was cut off by a fist being sent straight into her face. 

"HOLY SHIT!" I said, pushing Mihi away from her. 

Tara was knocked to the ground, her nose bleeding as she started crying. Oh my god...oh my god. I focused on Mihi who looked livid. 

"Shut your bitch ass up. From what I just heard, Mingi wasn't the reason you got dumped. It's because you're a fucking whiny little child. Move on with your life and stop interfering with ours. I don't know why you thought you were something walking up to us, but you're not." She spat out. 

I was sure my mouth was on the ground. 

"Tara?!" Yunho asked, walking out of the store with a bag.

"Your girlfriend just punched me in the face completely unprovoked! You're dating a whackjob, Yunho. What the fuck?" Tara immediately started with her manipulating. God, she never fucking changed.

Mihi lunged forward but I was already pulling her back again. "Get off the ground, bitch!" 

Goddamn...what the fuck? "Mihi, chill out!" I said quietly, trying to diffuse the situation. 

Yunho looked extremely conflicted, clearly not knowing the full story but he approached Mihi. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm the one who got punched in the face!" Tara whined. 

"Keep talking and you'll get worse!" Mihi snapped at her.

"Mihi!" I warned. 

It escalated so quickly and I was completely lost. Tara was just bitching about me, why was Mihi losing her shit? 

"Yunho!" Tara pleaded. "I think she broke my nose!" 

Mihi opened her mouth but I glared at her, making her stop. 

Yunho reluctantly left Mihi's side, and helped Tara up. She immediately clung to him and started sobbing. "Tara! I'm just trying to make sure your nose isn't broken!" 

"Hopefully it is." Mihi muttered. 

Now Yunho was glaring at her. "The police won't think that!" He pushed Tara off so he could check her nose. "I don't think it's broken." 

"It is! It hurts so bad!" 


"This isn't fight club, Mihi. You could get charged for assault!" I said to her, "This is no joke." 

She didn't look apologetic. "Then it's a good thing you got me off of her, because I would've been charged with murder instead." 

Why was she so fucking angry? 

I grabbed her arm and pulled her farther away. "What is going on with you? You are the chillest person I know, what's with the violence?" 

Mihi then started crying. "I'm gonna go, if that's okay. I just..." She fought her tears and lost as they slipped down her cheeks. 

I was losing my mind. What was going on? 

"Just wait, I'll tell Yunho that we're leaving." I said. 

"I want to be by myself for right now. I'm sorry I caused such a huge mess." She didn't even hesitate before she was running off. 

    I stood there dumbfounded. 

What the fuck? 

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