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Mihi had invited Wooyoung over, which San didn't seem too thrilled by. We still didn't know exactly what was going on between those two other than Mihi, and she wasn't willing to telling anyone. 

Despite San initially being upset, Wooyoung clung to his side the whole time, being incredibly clingy. 

After the bong and some drinks were passed around for about an hour, we were all relaxed enough that playing "truth or dare" was the game we landed on. 

Wooyoung proposed the idea, which a lot of us disagreed with at first because who actually plays truth or dare? 

Well, apparently we do because after enough shit in our systems, we went ahead with the idea. 

It started off pretty normal like it always did but quickly turned into more inappropriate questions. It seemed like Wooyoung was starting most of them. For a minute I thought Mihi was getting uncomfortable, but she just came back even harder. 

That was until Wooyoung said, "Mihi, truth or dare." 

"Truth." She said, tired of getting horrible dares from us. 

"Have you ever imagined a threesome with Yunho and Mingi?" He asked, obviously trying to win the crazy battle they had going on, plus he must've felt a little more safe because Yunho was in the bathroom. 

"Yah!" She snapped, throwing a pillow at him. "Unspoken rule, Wooyoung!" 

He shrugged after catching the pillow, "That wasn't an answer." 

She glared at him, "No dumbass. Unlike you, sex isn't always on my mind." 

He burst out laughing, for what I didn't know. Mihi became extremely flustered, like she had been caught doing something. But before Wooyoung could explain why he was laughing, Yunho came in. 

"What's going on?" He asked, seeing the situation. 

I probably shouldn't have but I usually told Yunho most things, so it was so normal I didn't think about it. "Wooyoung asked if Mihi has ever wanted to have a threesome with the both of us." 

Mihi scowled at me, "Let's move on from this topic and play another game, before it ruins friendships." 

The thing that surprised all of us was Yunho then said, "What was your answer?" And even further, he seemed genuinely curious instead of just disgusted. 

"Obviously I said no." She said as a reassurance but it didn't seem like he needed it. "Who asks that kind of question anyway? What, do you want to have a threesome with those two?" Mihi asked Wooyoung. 

He shrugged, "Maybe." 

Mihi and Wooyoung started bickering but I noticed how San had tensed up at Wooyoung's admission. I had no idea what was going on with them. First, he didn't want Wooyoung to come. Then they were attached to each other more than Mihi and Yunho was. And now San looks like he had just been punched in the gut. 

After things settled down and the party ended, Mihi kicked Wooyoung out, calling him an uber back to his dorm. Yunho left both of us to go check on how San was doing and Mihi moved to start cleaning things up. 

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