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I was zoned out the tenth time today ever since I left Yunho's apartment. I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't feel like it was fair to Yunho. 

Plus, I was having a hard time with myself at the moment. 

Was it bad that I stopped things from progressing? I mean...A part of me kept thinking I was a huge bitch for walking out on him like that. But I also just didn't think I could continue after he miscalled my name. 

It wasn't like it was a horrible thing, he's called me Mingi multiple times and the same has happened to Mingi. Our names were just really close. I used to do the same thing with him and Jongho. Which I got over once we were dating. 

I just didn't really want more input just to make me even more conflicted. I already knew who would be on who's side in my friend group. 

I didn't want to be told "Just get over it! It's not a big deal." 

But I also didn't want to have someone attack Yunho for an honest mistake, when they don't even know him. 

I heard a knock at my dorm door and I got up, going to open it just to be dumbfounded. 

"Yunho..." I breathed. 

He gave me a pained smile. "Do you mind if I come in?" I instantly stepped aside so he could could. "I wanted to apologize. I don't even know what to say, because that's such a weird thing to happen. I didn't mean to ruin the moment or make you uncomfortable." 

"I know. I just needed a second. I don't blame you or anything." I said, trying to soothe his worrying. "Its just not everyday something like that happens. You've been so patient with me, I didn't mean to take this away from you." 

He gave me a puzzled look. "Take what away? Sex?" 

I nodded. 

"You're not taking sex away from me, Mihi. I promise you it's not that bad. I don't want you to feel rushed into it anyway." He said, coming over to cup my cheek. 

Sometimes I wondered if I was worst off then Wooyoung. If I was even meant to be in a relationship with all of my problems. Wooyoung was right, it wasn't fair to put those problems on your partner. But I couldn't break up with either, I wasn't sure I was strong enough. 

"Let's not talk about any of this, okay? We can talk it out later. It's all so confusing, I just want to be with you right now. Is that okay?" 

He gave me a soft smile and nodded. I got into bed with him, cuddling up next to his side. 

I was watching Yunho and Mingi cuddled up next to each other, them so obviously comfy with each other. It was cute. That's one of the reasons why I liked him in the first place. It was rare to see a guy be affectionate to his guy best friend. It made me feel more comfortable, like I could trust that he was stable enough in his own self that cuddling with a friend was nothing. 

But there was something else mixed in with the warmth I felt and that something bothered me. 

It was jealousy. 

Why was I feeling jealous? The moment I felt it, I became angry at myself. Because I knew exactly why I was jealous and I knew it was because of my own stupid issues. It was so fucking annoying. For one goddamn second, one second was all I asked to not have my own self fuck up a perfectly good moment. 

I had to remind myself that Mingi didn't have a thing Yunho, that they were just friends. I really needed to get a grip. If Yunho found out I was having jealousy issues, he'd be upset. 

Yunho went to the bathroom so I was alone with Mingi and he was watching me. 

"Are you jealous?" He asked suddenly. 

Wow...I was that fucking obvious huh? 

I gave him a pained smile that came off more as a grimace, "Yeah. Sorry, it's just some shit I'm dealing with." 

"Is it me or has Yunho been acting weird lately?" He then asked. 

Yunho had been a little distant from both of us. I thought it was just me but apparently Mingi felt the same. 

I nodded. 

Mingi chewed on his lip. 

"He's probably just struggling with his studies. I'll see what I can help him with the relieve some of his stress." I said. 

"Thank you." He then said. I stared at him blankly. "For taking care of him." 

"Oh...uh..." I smiled at him. "Likewise. You're a good friend. He's lucky to have you. He needs people to take care of him. He's too busy taking care of everyone else." 

There was something in his eyes I couldn't exactly read but I decided to leave it alone. 

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