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I chewed on the inside of my cheek, decided to make the leap and text San. 

Who knows? Maybe Mihi was just being a dick and was pulling a prank on me and San wasn't even someone who was real. That was unlikely but it was more unlikely for him to be real. Especially how she described him like he was just some dorky dude who wanted true love and shit. 

Excuse you? 

He's in college, looks like that...and wants a happy ending? 

12:43AM | Wooyoung 

Hey, this is Wooyoung. A friend of Mihi's from our dance class. She gave me your number and I just decided to shoot my shot. Do you maybe want to hang out some time? 

I stared at the phone for longer than I should've until it drove me insane. This had to have been a prank. Fucking bitch! I tossed my phone to the other side of the bed, looking up at the ceiling. She was just getting back at me for something that I did to inevitably piss her off. 

 You know what? Fuck love. 

That's right. 

Who needed to find love anyway? Not me. Nuh uh. I was perfectly fine being single and just hooking up with people. That's what I was good at so- 

I heard my phone beep and faster than lightning I went to grab it. 

San | 1:05AM 

Sure. Coffee? There's a good place only a mile from campus? It's called The Loft. 

I couldn't fight the smile I had now and I brought my knees to my chest as I stared at it. 

  1:06AM | Wooyoung

Okay! Just tell me when and where! I'll be there! 

I wondered if I sounded too eager and I decided...yes I did. I thought about deleting it before he saw it but he read it before I could.  

San | 1:06AM 

Does eight in the morning tomorrow work? I don't have any morning classes. 

 1:07AM | Wooyoung 

Cool, I'll be there.

 I turned my phone off and put it away, hugging my pillow. Going on an actual date felt so weird but it was kind of exciting. I've never been on an actual date before since all of my previous boyfriends were in the closet and too embarrassed by me to. 

I wondered if he'd like me. 

I wondered how any of this worked in the first place. 

I really had no idea what I was doing, but I just really wanted to try. After my last bad breakup, I was fucking exhausted of all of the bullshit. I wanted something real. I was seeing people fall in love all around me, and whenever Mihi started always talking about Yunho, that was my last straw.  

I wanted to fall in love. 

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