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I may or may not have gotten lost in the bookstore. Or well, I wasn't lost but I imagined if Mingi needed to find me, it would've been impossible. I vaguely knew that I needed to find him so he wasn't looking all over the place for hours in the town square, but I was too focused. 

I probably should've waited for Mingi before I ran off, and now I was paying the price. 

I was in a beautiful store but their shelves were way too high, and despite not being short or anything, it was still impossible to reach the book I was looking for. 

I let out a frustrated sigh. How did shorter girls even do this? I contemplated stepping on the shelves for a quick leverage so I could reach it, but I knew I'd get kicked out the moment an employee saw me. 

That is, if an employee was anywhere to be seen. I was about ready to jump up and grab it when someone came up behind me, putting their hand on my waist and reaching over me to grab the book I was aiming for. 

"Were you looking for this?" A husky voice asked. 

I shuddered in disgust, twisting my body out of his hold. I cleared my throat as I stared at a man I didn't know. "Um...yeah." I held my hand out so he could give it to me. 

He made no move to. "Wow, not even a thank you?" 

I must've had little patience today because I couldn't keep the scowl off my face. "Thanks. Can I have it now?" 

He gave me a playful smirk. "Good girl. I'll give it to you on one condition. Go on a date with me." 

See, and this is why I told Yunho to kiss my ass. Even though he wasn't slimy or creepy at all, it still felt fucking annoying to have shit like this happen.

I then saw Mingi walking towards us and I sighed in relief. Thank fuck. 

He eyed the man warily and must've seen my expression because he came to my side. "You okay?" He asked. 

"Who's this?" The new guy asked. 

Before I could answer either of their questions, Mingi said, "I'm her boyfriend." 

I hid my expression to not break out cover, letting him take the lead. 

"Oh...sorry man." 

I narrowed my eyes at him, annoyed that he apologized to Mingi and not me. 

The man turned and left, Mingi turned to me. "I'm sorry-" 

"Shit! He has the book I want!" I remembered. 

Mingi looked over his shoulder and then he was following after the guy. They exchanged some words and for a second I thought it was going to get heated, until Mingi came back with the book. 

"Thank you!" I said once he handed it over to me willingly. 

"Who was that guy?" He asked. 

I shrugged, "Some weirdo. Thought I owed him for grabbing the book for me. Which makes no sense since he didn't even give it to me, he held it over my head like an asshole." 

"What would you have done if I didn't come?" He asked, seeming genuinely curious. 

I shrugged, "I don't know. You never really know in those situations though, do you? It's just frustrating because no matter how much taekwondo or kickboxing classes I take, it doesn't seem to matter when put to the test."  

He frowned, "Should've kicked his ass."  

"And become banned from one of my favorite bookstore? Yeah right." I said.  

"Priorities Mihi." He scolded as he walked me to the register. 

"I do have priorities. They are books." I said, smiling at him. He rolled his eyes. 

"Sorry about the whole "boyfriend" thing." He said. 

"You saved my ass so you have no reason to be sorry." I paid for the book and walked out. "Thanks, by the way." 

"No problem." 

I felt safe with him, and I wasn't sure if that was a good call or not. I was already hesitant to feel safe around guys. But Mingi seemed like the type of guy you could leave your drink with at a club. And not in a "I won't do anything to it" way, but in a "I'll beat the shit out of someone to keep them away from this drink" sorta way. It helped my anxiety. I wanted to trust that he was that type of person. 

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