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When I told Yunho that I'd try and get along with Mihi, he wouldn't let it go and honestly, I was getting annoyed. 

"Well, maybe I can invite her over more? Just the three of us?" Yunho offered. 

"And become a third wheel? I'll pass." I said. 

He sighed, just as annoyed as I was. I really wasn't making it easy for him. "Then it'll just be you two. It'll give you guys some time to get to know each each other without my interference." 

"You want to leave your girlfriend alone with another guy?" I asked, becoming confused. 

"I trust both of you. And if it means that you'll tolerate my girlfriend, yes." 

It was only because he looked so desperate that I nodded. Agreeing to his offer for whatever fucking reason. I had no intention of getting closer to her, but maybe it would finally give me a valid reason to hate her. 

I ignored how wrong that seemed and how it was practically going back on what I promised. 

San and Yunho were doing their afternoon classes when the door opened, Mihi coming in with keys in her hand. 

She flinched when she saw me. "Oh my god! I didn't know anyone was here, holy crap. You scared the shit out of me." 

Forgetting she had a key, I blurted, "You have a key?" 

She looked at the set of keys in her hand then nodded. "Yeah. San gave me a copy since his apartment is closer to the gym than my dorm is." 

"Why are you here?" I asked, still unsure. I really needed to at least pretend to be nice. 

"To take a shower." She answered simply. "I usually keep some clothes here. Or I could just steal San's." 

"What about Yunho's?" It quickly became an interrogation but she didn't seem to mind. 

She scoffed and then looked down at herself. "I don't know how to tell you this...but I don't think they'll fit. Plus I don't want to walk around campus looking like I just had a hookup." 

The comment made my stomach turn. I didn't want to focus too long on the idea. 

"Do you often spend the night or something? You said you left your clothes here?" I continued with my line of questioning. 

"I have in the past when my roommate took over my dorm. Usually though, the clothes are just for a quick shower after I hit the gym or volleyball practice." She answered it so casually that she initially missed the intention of my words. Once she realized, she blushed, "Oh that's what you meant! Oh...no. Yeah, no."  

I found it slightly funny how flustered she got at the idea of her sleeping with her boyfriend, but it gave me some peace. "Well go ahead, I won't stop you." 

She gave me a small smile as she scurried past me to go to Yunho's room, where I assumed she stored her extra clothes and then went across the hall to the bathroom. 

It only took about five minutes until I heard the water running. 

I moved to the kitchen to make lunch. Apparently she had her classes later or she was just ditching them. 

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