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A/N: Mentions of suicide attempt 


Mihi came back to the apartment the next day. Yunho was still really pissed about the whole situation. I didn't really know what to tell him about what happened, so he was going off of nothing. 

He asked me to leave a couple of minutes after Mihi was gone so he could be alone with Tara, then came back home looking like he just went through a warzone. I didn't blame him, being around her had always been taxing for him. I couldn't even imagine how fucking hard it was to convince her to not press charges. 

I spent the night trying to calm him down, cuddling with him the whole time. But a small part of me couldn't help but be worried about how Mihi had just started crying then ran off. 

I could tell it was hard for Yunho to not snap at her. 

"I'm sorry." She said from where she stood. "Can I have a hug?" 

Yunho relaxed, sighing and he got off the couch and instantly went to her side to hug her. 

Mihi and Yunho hashed it out for hours until she left his room. "He fell asleep on me." She smiled, going to sit next to me on the couch. 

"He had it rough last night." I said. 

Her smile dropped, "Yeah, he told me. I know I fucked up." 

"I mean, kind of but in my opinion, you fucking rocked out there. That shit was super funny, you should've seen her after you left. You just helped me with my bucket list." 

She huffed, smacking my knee. "No, I resorted to violence. Violence is bad!" 

"Only sometimes..." 

She grinned at me, seeming more relaxed. 

"What happened out there?" I asked. 

"Can I trauma dump on you really quick or is that too much?" She asked, I nodded for her to continue. "So...to give some context to why my mom was the way she was, I was what you would call...a mistake. My dad wasn't very happy about that, so he left before I was born. Anyway, I guess my mom wasn't too happy about that either because she decided to make sure I knew that it was my fault. Going past all of the bullshit, when I was nine, I tried to...kill myself." 

Holy shit...

"Luckily my granddad found me. But after that, everyone knew how poorly my mom was treating me, which just gave her another reason to hate me. She failed a couple of times at...trying to finish what I started. She killed herself two months later, and in her suicide note she said that it was my fault. I mean, despite how much she hated me, I always loved her. I just wanted her to be happy, so I thought if I wasn't in her life than she would've been happy. Well, I failed so she decided to take it into her own hands."

I didn't know what to say. I don't think there is anything anyone could say to give her any sort of relief from any of that. 

"I just didn't like how she spoke about you, I guess. I think it just triggered me. I really didn't mean to lose it like I did." 

"Come here." Was all I said before I was pulling her into a hug. "I'm so sorry." 

I was just growing more and more confused with my feelings. 

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