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I couldn't be more happy knowing that Mingi was warming up to my girlfriend. He's been my best friend since we were kids and he was still the most important person in my life. I wanted him to be okay, but I still really liked Mihi. 

In the past, I would always back Mingi no matter what. It wasn't that I wanted to stop, I just wanted him to give her a chance. 

I didn't want Mingi to have given up his whole life just to be unhappy here, and for some reason my girlfriend made him unhappy. 

He didn't seem as uncomfortable around her anymore. It was nice that the four of us could hang out without tension. I mean, I knew it could've been awkward. I was with my girlfriend and they didn't have any. But I wasn't an asshole, I wouldn't make things inappropriate for anyone. 

Hell, most of the time she was bickering with San.

Plus she's never been weirded out with my friendship with Mingi, and it was a huge relief to know I could still be close to him without getting weird looks. 

I wanted this to work out. 

Mihi smiled innocently at me, the same smile that a small part of me wanted to ruin. she was so stunning and sometimes I couldn't help but wonder what he face would look like-  

I cut the thought off, knowing that she wasn't ready. There was no need to think like that, especially around her. It wasn't that I saw her as so innocent that she couldn't even be in the same room when I had those thoughts. I just didn't want to feel a certain way, knowing she wasn't ready. 

"You're zoning out again." she said, stopping from what she was talking about. "What's on your mind?" 

"I'm sorry. I promise I'm not ignoring you." I sighed, feeling horrible. 

She rolled her eyes, "Stop acting like you never listen to me. I was ranting about a book plot. I'm surprised you didn't tell me to shut up." 

"It's a good book! So at least I know what you're talking about." I said. 

Her smile faltered and her eyes widened. "You read it?" She asked. 

"Of course. You really liked it." I said, looking around my bedroom but not seeing it at the moment. 

"You..." She let out a frustrated sigh and I gave her a worried look. "Stop trying to win my heart, asshole. It's already yours." 

"Is that all it took? Was me reading a book you were interested in?" I asked, giving her playful smile. 

"Have you ever dated a book lover before?" She said. I shook my head. "That explains it. Yes, that's all it takes. Did you really like it?" 

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not that much of a reader. Most of my literature knowledge is of Harry Potter. It was...very different. Classic literature is not something I'd usually aim for, but I liked it. I understand why you do." I said. 

She nodded, her smile turning soft. "Thank you. I know it might not seem like a lot to you, but it really matters to me."  

"I want to care about what you care about. I like knowing what makes your eyes light up." 

"You make my eyes light up...wow that was cheesy." She chuckled and I cringed a little, making her smack my leg. Her face suddenly turned serious. 


"Is it...nevermind." She shook her head. 

"No, what is it?" I asked. 

She smiled, "It's too early." I gave her a questioning look and she gave me an annoyed sigh. "You'll never let it go, will you?" 


Her smile slipped a little, like she was preparing herself. "Is it too early to say that I'm falling in love with you?" 

"Wow, that book did a lot." I joked. 

"Asshole!" She grinned, loosening up a bit. 

"No, it's not too early. I fell for you the moment you bumped into me." I said and her nose wrinkled. "Too much?" 

"Just a tad." 

It was a relief to hear that, because I did feel like I was falling in love with her. "You're perfect." 


"I said, you're perfect." I said, pushing her hair behind her ear. 

She laughed nervously, "Am I though?" 

"Yes." I said. 

"Lets agree to disagree there." 

I didn't understand but I let it slide, too content and in the moment.  

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