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It was hard not to act like I didn't like Mihi's company. I knew it was my own jealousy and annoyance that Yunho had gotten into a relationship. 

She wasn't even that bad to be around, she had a very positive personality and always seemed happy. It was frustrating to see how good of match she was with Yunho. They were always playing off of each other's energy, making the other smile.  

Yunho was doing something on his phone and she was attached to his side, her head resting on his shoulder as she had his arm, pressing soft kisses to his hand. It made my stomach churn. 

Then suddenly her eyes widened and she sat up, dropping his hand and making distance between them. If I knew anything, it was clear that she was overthinking and realized that they were in public. 

Yunho gave her a concerned look but she just smiled and shook her head. After a minute she caught me eye. I looked away, not interested in having a conversation. 

I found myself hanging out with San more than Yunho since he was always so busy now. It made me wonder why I came here in the first place. I often watched him play video games because I wasn't any good at them, so I just tried to focus on my online classes but it was helpless. 

Every time Yunho came home, he was on the phone with a smile on his face and he just beelined for his room. San noticed my expression so he paused his game, "It's just Mihi, Mingi. There's no need to be worried." 

How did I tell him that Mihi was the reason I was worried? I gave him a fake smile, focusing back on my computer. 

He made such a huge deal about me getting along with her, but now she was never around when I was. And because of that, he also was never around. Did she not like me? I wouldn't be surprised, most of the girlfriends he's ever had didn't. But usually if one of them didn't like me, he'd end it with them instead of distancing from me. 

Then the door opened and Mihi came in. 

"Can't you knock?" San muttered, not even looking at her. 

"You gave me a key. What? Am I supposed to not use the key?" She said and then looked at me. "Oh hey! It's been a while. Yunho said that you were starting classes-" 

Yunho came out of the room, looking worried. "Do you need something?" 

"Oh...uh, you forgot your jacket. I was still here so I thought it wasn't a big deal." She smiled sheepishly, holding it out for him. 

"Thanks." He kissed her cheek after grabbing it then stood like he expected her to leave. 

She looked around awkwardly, giving a small nervous laugh. "Right. Um...it was nice seeing you again." She said to me and then her way or saying bye to San was just to flip him off which he just replied with his own middle finger. 

Once she was gone, San put down his controller and looked at Yunho, eyeing him up and down. "Why are you being weird with her? If you're cheating, I'll break your jaw." 

"I'm not cheating, dick." Yunho said, tossing his jacket on the back of a chair. 

"Then what?" San pushed. 

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