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"Why are you home? Don't you have a class to go to?" I asked, still shirtless from just waking up. 

I didn't miss how Yunho's eyes raked down my exposed chest, making me shiver. I played it off though, assuming it was because I was walking around shirtless like it was my apartment. 

He cleared his throat, his gaze meeting mine. Was his ears red? No. No, they couldn't be. 

"My professor canceled the only class I had today, so I'm taking a long deserved break." He answered finally. 

I nodded, coming over to his side to lean into him and watch what he was doing on his phone. I felt him tense up a little and I tried to ignore how odd he was acting all of a sudden. "Are you okay?" I whispered in his ear. 

"Just tired." He answered simply, but his voice sounded a little shaky. 

I frowned, "Go back to bed then. You have the day off. Take the time to rest."

He looked to the side so our eyes could meet. I felt his breath wash over my face and it was so intoxicating. It was moments like these I could forget he was taken and I could just live in the moment. 

"Put on a shirt." He said. 

I gave him a confused look. "Why? It's not like you haven't see me naked before and vice versa." 

He seemed very flustered and I couldn't understand why. Wasn't it my job to follow him around like a stray dog? He already said I acted like I was in love with him. I mean...good onbservation but it was embarrassing as hell. 

I ignored his behavior, deciding it was none of my business. He made it clear what he thought of me so I wasn't going to entertain other thoughts. I didn't need to heartbreak. 

"Where's Mihi?" I asked, half expecting for her bust through the door. 

His eyes widened like he just remembered her. Why was he being so goddamn weird?! 

"Um...volleyball practice. Her team is going out of town to compete so she's going to be busy for a while." He said. 

I nodded, "Does that mean you're lonely? Don't be lonely, I'm right here." 

His eyes searched mine and for a split second I wondered if he was going to lean in...

"I'm hungry." He said, ruining the moment. 

"I'll make something to eat." I said, getting off the bed. 

"And put a shirt on while you're at it." He muttered. 

I scoffed, going to his closet and grabbing a shirt before shrugging it on. "Happy?" 

He chewed on his lip but hesitantly nodded. 

"Good." I left and decided to make an american breakfast. I learned some things from Mihi since whenever she stayed over, she'd cook breakfast as a thanks to San and Yunho.

I hadn't asked her why she had been staying over so often recently. She once said her roommate would kick her out so I wondered if that was it.

It was a bit weird when she stayed over because she was adamant on not making anyone uncomfortable. But usually I slept in Yunho's room since Yunho didn't mind.   

Whenever she tried to spend the night, Yunho would try and convince her that I'd be fine with sleeping on the couch. Which I wasn't but it wasn't like I was asked, but she decided on sleeping on the couch instead, not taking my spot. 

For a moment I thought maybe she knew how I felt for Yunho, and maybe she didn't care. 

San's bedroom door opened and I expected to see him stumbling out but instead I saw another boy come out wearing one of San's shirts. 

He was practically limping over to the counter and hissed in pain whenever he sat down on the stool. 

I raised my eyebrows at him in question. "Sorry, that was rude. My name is Wooyoung." He said, offering me a smile. 

I clicked my tongue, "Mihi's friend?" He nodded. "So...you okay?" 

"Well, when Mihi said that she was going to set me up with a sweet guy who was kinda dorky and wanted a committed relationship, I didn't know I was being sentenced to not being about to walk the next day." He didn't seem like he was complaining. 

I chuckled, a little surprised. San was just full of surprises every time I thought I understood him a little more. 

This was the same San that was practically having a panic attack over meeting this boy because he was "inexperienced" and "awkward". Fucking lying bastard. 

I shook my head. "So I take it the coffee date went well.

I guess I didn't expect him to frown. "Yeah." He didn't sound too enthusiastic. 

I felt a bit confused since they just fucked. I missed something big. 

"I'm gonna go." He said, getting off the stool. He grabbed his things and slipped out the door, leaving me standing there dumbfounded. 

What happened? 

Yunho came out, "Something wrong?"   

"You know Wooyoung? The friend Mihi set San up with?" I said, needing a second opinion. He nodded. "Him and San definitely fucked last night. Like he could barely walk, but he just left and he didn't seem too happy? I asked him about the coffee date and he seemed upset." 

Yunho chewed on his lip thoughtfully. "Maybe we should just stay out of it? I'll mention him to San and see where he stands. Don't worry about it." He put his hand on mine and my heart jumped. 

As if being called, San walked out of his room shirtless. "You know, you guys act like you're dating more than Yunho and Mihi." 

Yunho, obviously upset by the statement, jerked his hand away from mine, scowling at San. 

"He's just being a dick." I said, trying to reassure Yunho and I didn't know why. I didn't know why it bothered him in gerenal. Hell, my mom had asked us if we were a thing. "Also, Yunho wants us to start wearing shirts." 

San gave Yunho a doubtful look. "Why? Afraid Mihi will get uncomfortable? First, she ain't here. Second, she's wouldn't care." 

Yunho shook his head, seeming embarrassed. "Nevermind." 

I mouthed to him, "Are you okay?" But he ignored it. 

What was wrong with him? 

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