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Mingi was getting changed into his pajamas to go to bed. He usually slept in the same bed as me and it was so normal since that's what we'd do since we were kids. 

He stripped until he was down to his boxers, they sat low on his hips as he grabbed some basketball shorts as the only thing he normally wore to sleep. 

I wasn't sure why I was staring at him, but I was. I realized just how good he was built. Like he wasn't muscular or anything, but he was lean and his six pack was evident. For someone so lean, whenever he wore clothes he looked filled out and so good. But I kind of liked him more like this. 

Not to mention his thighs...

 I cut the thought off, knowing how weird it was to think of him that way. He slipped the shorts on, flopping down next to me and pulling his phone out. Mingi was genuinely beautiful. He used to not think so but I didn't know why. Now, he looked so different. Now he looked grown up. 

I stared at his full lips for a minute. 

Then he turned his head. "What's wrong?" He asked, putting his phone down. 

I shook my head. "Sorry, I just zoned out and I guess I was staring at you." 

He smirked. "Be careful Yunho, you might give me butterflies in my stomach." 

I scoffed, turning over on my back. "Dick." 

He chuckled and then I felt his weight shift onto me as he was cuddling next to my side. "Sorry Yuyu." 

I flexed my jaw. "Get off of me and go to bed." 

Everything was fine until I felt his thigh lay between my legs. I had to resist the urge to buck my hips. 

God, I was getting desperate. 

"I'm going to the bathroom." I muttered, getting off the bed and hiding away. I needed to take care of my growing arousal before I embarrassed myself. 

I tried to think of Mihi while I fucked myself to just hurry the process up but my thoughts kept going elsewhere. It wasn't a big deal until Mingi's lips popped into my brain, and I couldn't help but think what those lips would look like wrapped around me...

The image in my brain was enough, and before I could think through what the fuck my brain was doing, my orgasm blew through me, making me cum into the toilet. 

Then I felt the shame and confusion that followed. 

What the fuck was that? 

I stood there for longer than I should've before I cleaned myself up and went back out. 

Mingi was sprawled out on my bed, scrolling through his phone. I swallowed hard, trying not to think of anything else that was wrong. I crawled up on the bed, laying beside him and decided I'd just try and go to sleep. 

I tried to keep distance from him, my thoughts were already spiraling and I was afraid I'd feel the arousal again. It was just because I hadn't gotten laid in way too long. That had to be it. 

Mingi turned his phone off again, and just like before, he cuddled up next to me in the same position. It was becoming harder to breathe. I couldn't even touch him without thinking certain thoughts. 

"Why are you being so weird?" He asked, loud enough for me to hear. 

"How am I being weird?" I said. "What should I be doing?"

"Usually you cuddle me back." He said, and I could tell that he was really confused. 

I felt like I was stuck. If I didn't, he would know something was wrong and he could blame it on himself. If I did, the same thing could happen again and he'd know that I really was being weird. 

I decided I'd try to be honest with him in the places I could be. "I don't want to get hard." He gave me a puzzled look. "Just sex starved is all."

It felt like such a weird thing to say because in reality...I hadn't been. I didn't think I was becoming that desperate. Sex was never a huge thing for me and it wasn't a big deal if I couldn't have it. 

He nodded, "Mihi told me that she wasn't ready for that yet." 

I blinked at him, surprised that Mihi told him that. "Yeah...yeah I guess my body is just acting out without my permission, you know? It's not a big deal though." 

"Is there anyway I could help?" He asked. 

You could ride me. 

....oh my god. What the actual fuck was wrong with me? I've always had control of my thoughts but right now- 

I shook my head, "Just go to sleep. I'm just whining. It's really not that big of a deal." 

He reluctantly sighed. "Okay. goodnight, Yuyu." 

"Goodnight, princess." I murmured back.  

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