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A/N: Threesome warning! 



It wasn't long until Yunho pushed me onto the bed, his hands at quick work at my jeans. "Your thighs are driving me fucking wild, princess." 

Holy shit, I had never imagined this actually happening and yet here he was, on top of me. 

It was only then that I saw Mihi in the door way, with hooded eyes. 

"Fuck." I managed. 

Yunho finished pulling off my pants and boxers and I couldn't help feel exposed while he left to get condoms and lube. 

Mihi was already by my side, "Relax." 

Her lips pressed against mine as she soothingly caressed my jaw. I got so distracted by her which I think was her intention, that I wasn't prepared for the pressure I felt inside me. 

I let out a breathy whine, rolling my hips forward. 

Mihi grinned against my lips, "Cute." 

Holy shit, Yunho's fingers were so fucking long and I knew if he wanted he could hit the right spot but he wasn't because he wanted to torture me. He just used this time to stretch me out, adding more fingers as he went. 

Mihi's lips trailed down to my neck, marking me up. It wasn't long before I felt Yunho's length push inside me. I moaned, clinging onto Mihi to try and ground myself. He pushed inside until I felt all of him in me and I had to readjust myself. 

Once I was comfortable enough, he started to fuck into me, knowing exactly where my prostate was because he had easily missed it while fingering me open. My moans and whimpers forced it's way out of my throat. Then I felt Mihi wrap her hand around me and started pumping my cock. I realized that her breathless moans were because of her pleasuring herself while I was writhing underneath the both of them. 

I clenched my fists into the sheets, throwing my head back as I desperately tried to stay focused, it was all too overstimulating and it was almost too much to handle. 

"You're so pretty all fucked up." Mihi murmured and that must've done something to Yunho because he moaned so loud. 

I could barely focus but I wondered what this looked like to Yunho. It must've been good because he had the hungriest look in his eyes as he pounded into me. 

"I'm so close." I whined, "Please-" 

"Fuck..." Mihi breathed. 

I couldn't take it anymore. "Fuck. Yunho, get on your knees and eat your girlfriend out so I can break your back." 

"Holy shit." Yunho pulled out of me and I immediately got on top, pushing Yunho down so he could take care of Mihi's needs. I prepped him quickly, both of us so impatient.

I stretched him out just enough before I bottomed out in one go, "Fuck." I groaned. "You feel so fucking good, baby." 

Mihi was dealing first hand with his constant moaning, her thrashing underneath him. "Oh my god!" She managed. 

I gripped Yunho's hips for leverage as I thrusted into him. The time it took to stretch Yunho out was enough to get rid of my rising climax so I had to start all over again. I wasn't complaining, it just gave me more time inside him. 

Even as a top I couldn't stop the moans I let out. 

The heat and pressure bubbled up inside my gut all over again and my thrusts turned sloppier but our orgasms hit the three of us like a domino affect. 

Once it hit Mihi she almost screamed but quickly moved to shove her tongue in Yunho's mouth. Despite being occupied, Yunho finished but I wasn't done with him yet. 

His body started to shake, only being held up by Mihi while I continued to search for my own release. 

"Princess, please." He pleaded, his voice coming out shaky. 

I rode through my own orgasm, pushing myself through. 

I was so spent when I pulled out, taking mine and Yunho's condom, tying them off before tossing them in the trash. 

After Yunho and I having done most of the three, we stayed in our spot on the bed, too exhausted to do much else. Mihi was the one who left for a minute to grab damp towels to help the clean up. 

"I found out something I need to try." She said, using the towel to wipe Yunho off first. 

He hummed in response. 

"I'm definitely getting to peg one of you guys." 

I chuckled, "Are any of us not switches?" 


Mihi giggled, "Well, that's fun." 

"We need to do that more often." Yunho finally spoke up. 

I laughed, pushed his plastered hair away from his sweaty forehead. "Can you handle that?" 

He gave me a shit-eating grin. "Oh definitely." 

"We'll take turns, it's fine. But I'm warning you, I'm not into DP. At least not for right now, I'm still too new. So don't even think about it." Mihi warned. 

Yunho rubbed her thigh, "Nothing is going to happen that will make you uncomfortable." 

"I feel like this is a little crazier than even some of the fanfictions I've read." She said. 

"Classic literature my ass." He replied. 

"I enjoy many sources of entertainment." 

"Mm. I'm going to pass out now." 

"Deal." Mihi said instantly, getting between Yunho and my body. I was too tired to keep the conversation going. 

I was too content with what we had. 


A/N: So this was new for me, lol. Anytime I write a love triangle, I have the hardest time not making it poly. I just see no reason not to. So enjoy this throuple. :) 

There is a part coming out after this that's a preview for a spin off book for Woosan. Their relationship got complicated quick with little to no context on what was happening with them, so I decided I'd give them their own story to figure their shit out. Look forward to that! 

I hope you guys enjoyed this one!    

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