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Yunho really was being weird. Mihi said so too and he still was acting the same, even after she offered to help him with school work. He declined, saying that he wasn't having trouble with it. 

"I'll teach you how to play this game since San is too much of a dick to." Mihi said, plopping down on the couch and grabbing the controller. Despite her words about San, she seemed rather worried about him. 

I hesitantly did the same. "Won't San kill you for playing his game?" 

"You mean my game? I bought it and I let him borrow it. He just never gave it back." She answered. "So do you know the basics or?" 

"Yeah." I had played with San before, I just usually bombed every time. 

"What do you want to play?" She asked, lolling her head to the side in question. 

"You pick, I'm going to do horrible either way." 

"Have some confidence!" She said, picking a game quickly. 

She went over the controls for five minutes before we even started. "How's San?" I asked. 

She let out a long breath. "I'm staying out of it. I already had a whole conversation with him about it all, but there's no point. I mean Wooyoung and San are both adults, and technically it's my fault for thinking they'd be a good match. Which they would be if they weren't so fucking stupid. How can two people like each other that much and then just be like "But let's just keep it casual!" She said in a mocking tone. "I mean, has that ever worked in the history of ever? Especially since they look at each other like they're already falling in love. But oh! It's just casual!"

I couldn't help but smile a little at her frustration. 

"I mean, San is just not made for casual. I just don't want him getting hurt again. I feel like it's my fault, you know? I should've just stayed out of it all." 

"They'll figure it out. San's smart." 

"Who said that?!" 

I gave her a look and she pursed her lips. "Okay, fine. He is, but he's dumb when it comes to love." 

Even while distracted, she still whooped my ass. And her response was just to lean back like she didn't just fucking destroy me. 

"Wooyoung is one of my best friends. I love him to death, but holy shit is he getting on my nerves. I specifically told him how to fix this and then he was like "let me just do it my way". Like fine, but his way is now friends with benefits with San! On an even worse note, he wants it completely open! Which San sure as fuck isn't going to do that." 

The next game started and she took me out almost instantly. I scowled at the screen. 

"Sorry. I know I'm ranting. I'm just annoyed." She sighed, readjusting her seat on the couch. "Am I being annoying?" 

"Yes, because you keep fucking murdering me!" I snapped and she realized I was talking about the game. 

"Oh!" She laughed. "Sorry. Right, I'm supposed to be teaching you to get better." 

She started taking it easy on me so I could actually figure out what I was doing and get used to the controls. "I guess I'd just stay out of it. They're both extremely stubborn. Let them figure it out themselves until they ask for help, which they probably will knowing them." 

"I know." She sighed, and even taking it easy on me, she won again. "Sorry." 

"For talking about this or for killing me yet again?" I asked. 

She gave me a sly smile, "Both." 

"Rematch." I said, even though there was no point cause I knew who'd win. "Come on...come on....FUCK YEAH!" I said as I finally fucking won. 

"AYE!" She cheered, hugging me from behind. "You won!" 

"Fuck yeah, I won. Just admit it, I'm better than you!" I said. 

She burst out laughing, letting out a little snort as she did. "Shut up, don't make me ruin your moment." 

"Fair." I chuckled. 

We looked at each other and then the air suddenly became heavy. 

I cleared my throat, looking away. 

What was that?    

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