Chapter 7

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Life on Veldin is not and never has been easy. Apart from the dangerous fauna, the inhabitants of this planet also had to deal with other threats, such as sandstorms or floating islands losing their gravity and fall.

Yet nobody expected an army of the undead.

A few days after Clyde's death, the Scorn came to the Kyzil Plateau and its town. The pale looking Eliksni, whose gear is mostly made from, zombies came here to rob, murder and destroy.

Members of Guilds tried to deal with the invaders, but overwhelming number of enemies easily destroy any kind of resistance. Now this whole area is under the control of one of the Scorn Chieftain, who lives here as lord and master.

However, he did not know that the hooded avenger had come to the town.


Three years. Three goddamn years since Grim lost his family. Killed by monsters. It was, and still is, a difficult time for old Fongoid. At first, he refused to believe that his adopted son and grandson had fallen in battle, but in the end he accepted it with great difficulty.

Since the day that the Scorn landed in Kyzil, the man was notoriously visited by them and "asked nicely", which apparently means putting a barrel of a gun to his head, to build, repair and upgrade their vehicles. Initially, Grim refused to do any work, but when the invaders began to execute civilians to make him start working, he agreed. And that's how he spent the last three years.

The old Fongoid was currently working on his old project. A gift that was supposed to be given to his grandson on his eighteenth birthday. It hurt him that he wouldn't be able to give it, but he wouldn't stop working on it.

Few minutes later, two Scorn thugs and one captain entered the workshop. The largest of them approached Grim, grabbed him by his clothes, and then threw him to the ground.

"Build. For us. Only! You. Do something. Other," the Scorn captain said in broken Basic language.

The old man got to his feet and then glared at the three.

"You don't come to me with your gear, so I'm working on my own so I don't get out of practice," Grim explained. What he said was actually a lie, as it was unlikely that his skills would deteriorate.

Apparently, talking back did not please his "guests" and before the man could react, he felt something hit him in the face, making him land on the floor again. Then he saw one of the thugs pick up an wrench and swing it. Grim quickly covered himself and was hit in the hands. The others joined their companion and started hitting Fongoid as well.

After a few minutes, everything was hurting him. Arms, legs, just everything. Once he would have taken such hits and only shrug it off, but now because of his age, Grim had a different endurance limit. All he could see now was the thug picking up a gun and pointing it at him. Maybe that's good. I'll meet the others, he thought. So he closed his eyes and waited for a sweet death.

Except she didn't come. Not for him. There was a loud boom in the hangar, followed by a crash to the ground. The old man opened his eyes and saw that said thug was lying on the ground without his head. The other Scorn were surprised by this and looked towards the doors from where the projectile had come.

A figure stands in the doorway. They were wearing a long coat with a hood that completely covered their body and there was nothing but two green dots under the hood.

The captain and his sidekick roared in anger. Someone dared to oppose them! They can't let it go unpunished.

"Who are you!? Speak!" shouted the leader.

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