Chapter 8

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It took Ratchet and Clank several days to reach Novalis. When they got there, the beautiful Lux City appeared before their eyes. Even in the airspace, the capital was an beautiful view. Clean, tall buildings and streets, security everywhere and vehicles flying in the sky and moving on the ground.

After landing in port, our dear Lombax and his mechanical companion left their ship and headed for the checkpoint. This is where the eighteen-year-old quickly remembered that this could be a  a problem.

"Shit," Ratchet whispered.

"What is it?" asked Clank, who was currently attached to his organic companion's back via magnet.

"I forgot that they check the arrivals through their blood samples, and knowing that my last visit here ended...awful, we can assume that I am wanted here."

This of course intrigued the robot and he even wanted to ask for details, but decided it was not the right time. They both have to come up with something to get past the controls. After briefly evaluating their options, they both got a plan. Ratchet went to the restroom, then let Clank into the ventilation shaft before returning to the line for inspection. It took the green-eyed robot a few minutes, but he managed to find the fuse box. He opened it and turned everything off. This created a bit of chaos, which Lombax took advantage of by turning invisible and sneaking past the guards and sensors.

Once Ratchet was on the other side, Clank joined him not so long after.

"Good job,  Agent." – complimented Lombax.

The robot laughed slightly, then jumped back onto its companion's back.

After this event, the two headed to the Vanguard Tower, the Guardian's HQ. Ratchet figured he would find information about the Scorn Barons there, and Clank would find a help about Drek. But when they reached the entrance of the Tower, they encountered a new, or in Lombax's case, an old problem.

"I don't fucking believe it..." commented the eighteen-year-old.

In front of the entrance to the building were an Zavala, an Awoken man with light blue skin color and bald head, Ikora Rey, a brown-furred Cazar woman and Cayde-6, the Leaders of the Vanguard and Guardians. Beside them stood Aunora.

Seeing that they hadn't noticed him yet, Ratchet hid in a nearby alley and use an outfit changing device. Now, instead of a dirty, damaged poncho, he now wears a black leather hooded jacket, black cargo pants and combat boots, a red faceless mask, and black Iron Lord bracers and pauldrons, the only piece of his old armor he managed to salvage from Eramis's Stronghold.

Once he changed his appearance, the boy and his companion decided to blend in with the crowd of other Guardians and try to get inside the Tower. He was almost there when he suddenly felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned around to see angry Cayde.

"Where.Did. You.Get. Those bracers?" Exo asked menacingly.

Ratchet decided to play the fool and directed his gaze to the said piece of clothing, then to the Exo. He then explain, by using sign language, that he just found them.

This calmed and saden Cayde, who apologized for his behavior and returned to his companions, having previously wished a nice day at work. Seeing he had an opportunity, Ratchet quickly began to run towards the building but he was stopped again, this time by Aunora.

"Wait a minute, Guardian. Let me just check something, okay?" she said. Disguised Lombax, of course, was shaking his head and pointing at the Towers, signaling that he was in a hurry. The woman, however, did nothing about it and pulled out a crystal ball from her bag. This one, after touching Ratchet's chest, start vibrating and then began to fly around, hitting several Guardians in their heads and then explode in white, chaotic fire. When the order member saw this, she summoned her fiery sword and aimed it at Lombax. "You have returned, Demon."

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