Chapter 21

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After a few days of forging and testing new weapons, Ratchet and his companions left the Iron Temple. Our dear Lombax told everyone about what he knows about the Void realm and the Man in the Wall. A surprise and worry appeared on their faces after this explanation. The knowledge that there was an Entity beyond the boundaries of reality that was technically both an entire dimension and its own avatar terrified them. Ratchet assured them that they don't have to worry about the Indifference and that they should focus on their current goal.

All seven of them were currently standing next to the holographic table, discussing their next move.

"Okay... The Scorn and the Blargs are still rampaging through the Solana galaxy. We have to get this whole situation under control," Vincent said.

"I have something that can help us. I got reports from my scouts and it doesn't look good," Cayde said. He then pressed a few buttons to show the others holograms of several planets. "From what we know, the attack carried out on Batalia came from the planet Gaspar. The Blargs have their own stronghold there, and apparently The Scorn's have been seen there. Then we have Orxon, the Blargs' home planet. Scouts report that Chairman Drek has recently arrived there. Maybe we could catch him there."

Our heroes processed this information and developed a plan of action. Few minutes later, the leader of the Noble Team spoke up.

"My team and I will go to Gaspar and destroy their base. Maybe we'll learn something along the way."

"And me and Clank will try to get Drek. He probably has information on what, where and how when it comes to the Barons and their allies," Ratchet added.

Upon hearing this, Cayde approved both operations. Unfortunately, he also informed that he had to return to Lux City because the City Council demanded it. Exo originally didn't want to leave his nephew, but after Ratchet's persuasion, he decided to go. Cayde also realized that it was a good opportunity, as he could try to convince Zavala and Ikora to start sending other Guardians against the Blargs and the Scorn, even if the City Council had banned the Vanguard from taking any action, saying that the Guardians are supposed to protect, not lead an offensive.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Cayde boarded his star fighter and then flew to Lux City.

With their instructions, and the assurance that Cayde would send them scout's reports, our heroes first flew to Orxon.


Wanting to take advantage of the time given to him between flying from one planet to another, Ratchet decided to meditate in his cabin. With notebook about Void powers in his hand, Lombax wanted to practice his abilities. Fortunately for him, the Void itself responded to his request, and as soon as Lombax closed his eyes, his consciousness left his body and was placed in that dimension.

For the next few hours, Ratchet had been training non-stop. The Void itself placed him on some flying island that was connected to other smaller islands. Everywhere were buildings made of white stone and finished with gold ornaments. Beyond the islands, there is the Void itself and its dark turquoise abyss.

As for Ratchet, he actually liked it here. Not only did he have a lot of space for training, but whatever he thought about, the Void itself create it. If he wants a whole the Scorn unit to appear behind one of the buildings, then there they were, looking just like the real thing, but acting like puppets waiting for their master's will.

With knowledge about the various schools of Void powers from notebook, our Lombax first began training with Madurai, a school that characterized with a overwhelming offense, such as throwing fireballs or lightning bolts, increasing the damage of weapons or Ratchet's Void beam, and blinding opponents. Thanks to the capabilities of this dimension, Ratchet had constantly new enemies. Armed with his newly forged sword, which he created by melting down his Omniwrench and re-forging it and Sirocco, our Lombax wreaked havoc on the battlefield. The number of beheaded bodies and holes from bullets could already be counted in the hundreds.

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