Chapter 23

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After reaching and landing in the town next to the largest factory on the snowy planet Hoven, Noble Team immediately started their operation. As soon as they exited the ship, they were greeted by gunfire from the Blargs and the Scorn. The boys quickly dealt with them and moved forward.

They managed to find the mayor, who, fearing for his life, did not want to say anything about the Blargs or the undead Eliksni. Knowing they wouldn't get anything out of him, Don decided to secretly hack into the mayor's computer and check his messages. Thanks to this, the guys learned that the rocket Ratchet mentioned was actually being built in the local factory. So the Noble team went there.

Once there, they were greeted again by enemy soldiers, this time supported by mini-helicopters. Wanting to deal with them quickly, the Guardians fireteam summoned their powers.

First, Mike and Vincent summoned Bows that entangled the opponents and weakened their attacks and defenses. Then Don and Sant created flaming weapons from their Light, a sword and a two-handed hammer, and burned their opponents until nothing was left, not even ash.

As soon as they dealt with their opponents, the entire team moved forward. On their way, they encountered no resistance, and the only view they had was of machines working and building something.

After reaching the top of the building, they saw the rocket they were looking for.

And not only it.

"Ooh, what luck! What fortunate! A playmates appeared! Hello, hello, hello!"

In front of the Guardians was another of the Barons. Kaniks, the Mad Bomber. A creature whose explosions caused a huge amount of destruction and loss of life. Even among his brethren, he is not a very popular.

"To begin - a gift! A gift just for you, from ME, good friend Kaniks!" shouted Baron, who then threw a small spherical object towards Noble Team. " BEST friend Kaniks! Go, go, go! Open gift!"

When the said object was right next to the Guardians, it began to beep. The guys quickly realized it was a bomb, so they scatter, which also saved their lives when it exploded.

Seeing that no one was hurt made Bomber angry.

"No no no no! You not fun! But okay, let's play something else, hehehehe!! Game go on! Close your eyes and COUNT DOWN!"

With that, the Baron disappeared from view, leaving behind several larger bombs that began to beep. The fireteam split up, each approaching a different bomb separately, and began to defuse them. This would have been an easy task, if not for the fact that soldiers of the Scorn and Blargs began to disturb them.

"Sant, Mike! Take care of them! Me and Don will neutralize the bombs!" Vincent shouted.

"Got it, V!" both brothers replied.

Sant had no intention to go easy on his his opponent, so he summoned his fire hammer and started hitting everyone he came across with it, turning them into dust. Mike was helping him from a distance, shooting at the enemy with his flaming revolver. Vincent and Don on another hand, were already defusing the penultimate bomb. When they dealt with it, they ran to the last one. However, the Abomination was waiting for them there.

"I'll take care of it . You get the bomb," Vincent said to his brother. The man then charged at the beast.

As soon as the Guardian approached it, the Abomination slammed its fists into the ground, sending an electrical wave. V managed to avoid the attack by jumping high and sending several exploding knives straight at the Scorn, who lost its balance due to the explosion. The Awoken man took advantage of this and ran towards the beast, jumped, then used his Light to enhance his legs and kick the Abomination and send it off the building, straight into the icy river below them.

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