Chapter 29

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(Reminding that you may not get an announcement for a previous chapter. I recommend reading it. If you read it, then enjoy this chapter!)

Rivet wasn't surprised about her current situation. After she returned to the Alliance base with Jack and Kit, the girl was bombarded with questions about her true identity and where she got the Titan. She knew that as soon as she revealed the truth, she would be severely scolded by her parents. However, not wanting to hide anymore, Rivet deactivated her disguise and revealed who she was. She didn't have to wait long to hear from her parents, who told her right from the start that she was grounded until she reached adulthood.

A few days after this revelation, Jack Cooper informed the command that Captain Tai Lastimosa had been killed in battle. The young rifleman also informed that he and the Captain's Titan, BT-7274, were on the trail of an Empire's super weapon, called the Ark. The command ordered a young Pilot to intercept this weapon. It took him some time, during which he managed to eliminate some members of the Apex Predators mercenary group, but eventually he found himself in possession of data on the exact location of Ark. With such information, the Alliance command began preparations for the offensive.

As for Rivet and Kit, both girls helped in the Titans hangar, bringing ammunition and batteries for them. Everything was going well for them, despite being grounded. When both of them were returning to their quarters, they came across a rather suspicious-looking person who explained that he was a messenger from Lady Nox. Hearing this name, Rivet became wary of the man, and so did Kit. The three of them talked for a while, and the last thing the girls remembered was the man snapping his fingers.

When they woke up, Rivet and Kit found themselves in the middle of the crossfire between the Alliance and the Empire. This surprised the girls because this attack was supposed to take place in the next few days. Nevertheless, they quickly and safely managed to join their allies.The first person to notice them was Jack Cooper and BT. The young Pilot asked the girls what they were doing here. Rivet explained everything to him and asked for a communicator because she wanted to contact with her father.

To say Alister was furious would be an understatement. His blood was boiling with rage. When he heard from his daughter what had happened, he was tempted to separate Lady Nox's head from her body, but sadly he was too far away from her as he was now on Typhon.

When he and Alor found themselves above the battlefield, both men spared no time and started attacking. And they did it by jumping out of the dropshi into enemy lines.

The sight of her father and uncle fighting against the enemy put Rivet in awe. Here she saw with her own eyes how her father, Lord Wrath, cut between enemy soldiers and Titans and began massacring them. This time armed with two swords on a chain, made of fiery, magical ore and infused with magic, he cut through flesh and steel as if they were paper. He was like a unleashed god of war.

As for Rivet's uncle, Alor Nass, he was not joking around either. Despite being an ordinary soldier, he also spread death among the enemy. Using his techno katana, a gun, holograms and invisibility, the man stabbed, shot and eliminated anyone foolish enough to get in his way.

When the enemy forces were weakened, Jack and some of the Alliance soldiers entered the base, wanting to capture the Ark and destroy it. Rivet and Kit, on the other hand, joined Alister. The man couldn't hide his joy when he saw both girls and hugged them tightly. Even though he was angry at them for coming to this planet, he was glad that they were alive.

Unfortunately, they were not able to enjoy this moment.

"Uh, guys? There's something coming at us" Alor said, pointing to the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw something falling towards them straight from orbit. This thing was going very fast and had no intention of slowing down. Thinking it was some sort of rocket or bomb, the four of them and soldiers who accompanied them quickly moved away from the expected impact site.

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