Chapter 18

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After learning that Qwark was a master for Scorn Barons, Ratchet felt nothing more, but anger. It was so strong and pure that his body aw emitting an aura around his body, something that Clank swear that he could cut with a knife.

"R-Ratchet,please calm down. Take a d-deep breath and..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, his furry companion sent a Void beam towards the bot, hitting nearby. Clank looked into Ratchet's eyes and saw that they were no longer green, but a bloody red which sometimes pulse with white energy.

"I. Want. To. Hunt. Down. Qwark. NOW!" Lombax shouted.

Terrified by this, Clank agreed to help. They both went to the nearby starship and boarded it.  Inside, Ratchet was looking through on-board computer, searching for any clues about Qwark.

"Maybe we should go to Batalia? Apparently there's another Baron there. M-maybe he knows something?" suggested Clank.

Ratchet didn't answer, just glared at bot and set the coordinates. Moments later they both started flying.

When they both arrive on Batalia, Ratchet and Clank saw that the entire planet was in a terrible state. Huge damaged spaceships drifting on the water, fighter jets fighting in the air, towns and their surroundings destroyed by the conflict. This sight saddened Clank greatly.

After landing on the nearest possible landing pad, they were greeted by one of the Planetary Defense soldiers.

"Welcome to Batalia! Are you here to help us in the fight against the Scorn and the Blargs? If so, then great! If not, please don't disturb our boys," said the Officer.

Ratchet walked up to the man and then placed Thorn under his chin.

"I'll only ask once. Where. Is. Pirhha?!" asked Lombax.

The soldier was surprised by this and quickly answered the question, pointing to the Fort Krontos nearby.

Getting information that he wanted, Ratchet started walking there. Clank apologized to a soldier for his comrade's behavior and promised that they would try to somehow reduce the enemy forces.

For the next dozen or so minutes, our heroes were going towards the Fort. Along the way, they encountered small forces of the Scorn and Blargs, but nothing they couldn't handle.  With each fight, Ratchet became more and more brutal, to the point that he stopped using his powers and Sirocco in favor of the Thorn. Clank could swear that he sometimes heard how his companion was whispering "More."

Eventually they reached the Fort where the Baron was supposed to be. And he was actually here.


"What the..?"

Before Ratchet could react, the gates behind him were closed and two Guardians stood there. One in orange and the other in blue armor.

"Hey, Ratchet. Nice of you to drop by," Vincent said.

"Are you looking for someone?" Mike asked rhetorically.

Lombax pulled out his Thorn and aimed it at the Guardians. They did not react in any way. Few seconds later, the eighteen-year-old heard someone walking towards him.

"Is this how you greet people who came to save you? I don't remember teaching you that."

The young man turn around and look at the source of the voice. He was stunned and his eyes open wide when he saw who it was.

"Uncle Cayde?"

"Hey, kid. Did you miss me? Because I do."

To say Ratchet was surprised was an understatement. He was absolutely surprised by this. In his head he had many thoughts and questions. All related to what's going here.

Ratchet and Clank: The Iron Devil(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now