Chapter 13

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"Fuck! This was our only lead!" Cayde shouted. He and his team managed to find information on Eudora about Hiraks' whereabouts. Unfortunately, when they reached the location of the space station, all they saw was its debris. This made Exo very angry as he thought he would be able to catch his nephew.

"So what do we do now?" Petra asked. The woman was also upset by this turn of events, but she decided that she could not give in to her emotions and keep her friend in line.

"I don't know...I don't know anymore," Cayde replied. The man then let out a deep sigh and sat down in the chair on the bridge of their ship. He had had enough of this. Barons, the Scorn, and constant attempts of contact by Zavala and Ikora. Even Aunora called him, but after he didn't answer the call, all the man received was a message that she had found someone to take care of Ratchet.

'What a nice word for an assassin,' thought Exo. For the next few minutes, he and Petra stared at the stars and wondered what to do next. It is obvious that they will not give up and will look for the young Lombax. They had to, because now there is a time pressure.

At some point Don came into the bridge. In his hands he had a holo notebook on which he was doing something.

"Boss. I managed to dig out some information from scouts' reports that may help us," Cazar said. Intrigued by this news, Cayde ordered the entire team to gather in the command room.

The ship they were in was made by one of Cayde's friends, which serve as a mobile command center for the Guardians called H.E.L.M . i.e. Hub of Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers. This ship is large enough to accommodate a dozen of space fighters and many, many Guardians and weapons.

Once the team was gathered in the command room, Don began to explain what he had found.

"Seeing as Ratchet is hunting Barons, I decided to check the reports of their presence. I managed to find out that the planet Batalia is currently under siege by the Scorn and Blarg mercenaries led by Pirrha. It's safe to say that he will soon become Ratchet's target."

Hearing this, Cayde decided that this was the best lead they could have at the moment. So he ordered everyone to prepare to travel, so they could set a trap for Lombax.

That old Exo won't let some fucking nun kill his nephew.


To say Rivet is pissed is an understatement. Her blood was boiling with rage. How dare he not tell her anything?! Why didn't he say anything?! Why didn't her mother say anything about it?! These were the thoughts that ran through the young Lombax's head when she learned that the Alliance leader was her biological father.

After this information get out, the girl ran out of the office with tears in her eyes and go to her room where she locked herself. She was really, really angry at her biological parents and everyone.

She didn't know how much time she spent inside her four walls, but it was definitely a few hours, because it was already getting dark outside. All this time she spend at screaming into her pillow or wondering why no one told her anything. She had a right to know!

Suddenly, the girl heard someone knocking on her door. So she went to it and opened it and saw Anna standing on the other side.

"Hey, girl. Can I come in?" the young adult asked.

Even though Rivet didn't want to see anyone right now, she let the older girl into the room. Then they both sat on the bed and remained silent. Neither of them said a word, thinking in their heads what to say. Finally, Anna broke the silence.

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