🐍 Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Chapter 4 🐍

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"What'sa matter, Goldfishie? Don't wanna go home?" A voice says, and everyone turned around to see Floyd smiling at them. "Then here's an idea: don't. We're not. C'mon, you can join us in the stay-at-school club. Heh heh!"

The approach surprises everyone. "Where did you come from, Floyd?" Riddle asks, jumping at the sight of him. "And would you kindly refrain from sticking your nose in business you know nothing about? It's quite irksome," he says with a glare.

"He's right, you know," Jade approaches. "It's never a good idea to blindly pry into others' family affairs," he scolds Floyd.

"Aw, c'mon, Jade," Floyd whines. "It's boring spending every new year with the same old suspects. Besides, Goldfishie's so teeny, I'm sure Azul would love to keep him as a pet!" He says playfully as he smiles at Riddle.

The statement only angers Riddle. "I'm sorry? Would you like to say that again?" He says darkly. "You're awfully brazen to take that tone with the head of Heartslabyul. AND SPEAKING OF HEADS, I'LL HAVE YOURS FOR THIS!" He erupts, head red in anger.

"R-Riddle, no!" Cater quickly says trying to deescalate Riddle's anger. "This is NOT the place, my guy!"

"Settle down, Riddle. You're letting him goad you again," Trey says, trying to calm him down.

"T-take some deep breaths!" Angel adds, trying to help while the other freshmen look at Riddle in fear.

"Yeeaargh....!" Riddle grunts, trying to calm down, but still keeping a glare on Floyd, who only laughs at him.

"Sooo, Floyd and Jade!" Cater calls out, trying not to incur Riddle's wrath further and change the topic. "Your family's in the Coral Sea, right? Why aren't you visiting them?"

"We and Azul live far in the northern reaches of the Coral Sea," Jade explains. "At this time of year, the whole surface is covered in ice floes."

"What he said!" Floyd adds. "It's hard gettin' home with all the freezy-freeze, and it' boring there anyway, so the three of us prefer to go home on spring break instead, when the ice has melted."

The explanation leaves everyone bewildered. "Wow. Living under the sea has all kinds of challenges, huh?" Trey states.

"Hmph! The last thing I need to spend the new year with you Octavinelle boys," Riddle comments in annoyance. "I'll be going now. I bid you all a pleasant holiday." He turns to Angel. "I'll try to ask Mother about anything for your memory," he says and she nods at him and leaves, heading to the Dark Mirror.

"Good grief," Trey sighs. "Well, at least he's got his moxie back." He turns to the freshmen. "As for you guys, don't cut TOO loose over the holidays, okay? See you around." He heads after Riddle.

Cater sighs. "I should be getting home, too...Ah, but first, a commemorative photo!" He says as he aims his phone at the group, the light flashing as Deuce and Angel look on in surprise and Ace only smiles, expecting this from Cater. Cater only types on his phone while Angel recovers. I can never get used to the impromptu pictures he does. "Hashtag #FallSemesterLastDay #WithTheFroshes #HappyNewYear #JumpingTheGunLOL." He says as he puts his phone away. "And don't worry, teacup. I'll bring you a great gift for the holidays!"

The comment only confuses her. "A gift? I don't-"

"Okay, bye now! Happy holidays, folks!" Cater quickly says as he leaves, leaving Angel dumbfounded on his statement. Ace and Deuce only look at Cater's retreating figure, thinking about a gift to give to Angel, but kept it to themselves, knowing that she would say that she didn't need one, that 'friendship was all she needed.'

"So, little Jellyfishy," Floyd says, getting her attention. "Are you and the Seal stayin' on campus? You can always drop by Octavinelle, y'know. We'd be happy to keep you company," Floyd says with a smile.

"A fine idea, brother," Jade adds with a smile. "Ah, what a delightful holiday this is shaping up to be. You're welcome anytime. Now then, if you'll excuse us..."

"Heh heh heh," they both chuckles, chills running down the four's spines as they walk away, leaving the four again.

"Erk...Just lookin' at their faces make me think back to when they were workin' me like a dog in the Mostro Lounge," Grim shivers at the thought.

"Yeah, that was brutal stuff," Deuce adds.

"Don't remind me," Ace comments.

The four look around, seeing that there were few students left in the Mirror Chamber than when they first arrived. "Well, the crowds are thinning out. We should probably head out, ourselves," Deuce says to Ace.

"Good call," Ace says as he gets his bags ready for transport. "You got our numbers, Annie. Feel free to hit me up if you get bored over winter break!"

"Thanks, I'll do that," Angel says with a smile, making Ace sigh.

"Man, you take everything I say so seriously, Annie! I was joking!" Ace exclaims.

"Then it was a lame one," Deuce states. "Are you sure you'll be fine being by yourselves on campus over the holiday?" He asks in concern.

"Yes, we'll be fine," Angel responds, trying to calm their nerves. "It's not like anything bad happens on an empty campus. You guys just enjoy your holiday. Don't worry about us," she says with a smile.

Deuce sighs. "Anyway, feel free to reach out if you need anything at all." He looks at the Dark Mirror. "My mom's probably waiting on me, so I'd better go. Angel, Grim, happy holidays."

"Yeah, I'll do the same. Angel, Grim, see you next year!" Ace says as the two leave, with Angel and Grim waving them off as they step into the Dark Mirror.

"I've always thought of those guys as a couple of loundmouths, but now that they're gone..." Grim starts only to huff. "It's clear as crystal just HOW loud they've been! Buncha meddling so-and-sos..." He grumbles, making Angel laugh.

"Well, either way, they're gone now," Angel says as she sees the last few remaining students leave as well. "Since everyone's gone, how about we get back to the dorm? We can watch some movies and play some card games since we have a break."

The suggestion brings Grim out of his grumbles and smile at her. "Whoa Angel! You gotten way more fun than before!" Grim happily says as he lands in her arms, which she was happy to allow. "And with the loundmouths and headmage gone, we can even party all night long! Let's go!" Grim says and Angel nods and leaves the Mirror Chamber.

"I don't know why they would be so worried about us staying on campus alone," Angel says to Grim as they head to the dorm. "I mean, what's the worst that can happen?"

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