👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 50 👑

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While the seven stayed in the dorm for some last-minute prep, Grim and Angel walked toward coliseum, seeing that the festival was in full preparation mode, with booths and stalls neatly places along the walkway. The two look at the stalls and booths in awe, seeing students putting out various displays of their clubs out for everyone to see. They noticed a few clubs based on their subjects. The Art Club was putting out paintings on display, careful not to ruin them, and setting out painting supplies for people who wanted to try painting. The Anthropology Club had displays of weird looking items, at least to the two's perspective, with masks, statues, and even old paintings of...something the two couldn't make out, maybe something from before the Age of Magic even occurred. The Magic Club showed off displays of magic, mainly showing some new magical tools or practicing new spells, albeit 'safe' spells for people to see close up. The two look around, seeing other clubs they didn't know existed in the school, maybe because with janitor duty, studying, keeping out of trouble, along with managing the group, they couldn't really explore the other culture clubs clearly. Maybe because they weren't as well known as the Sports Club? Angel thinks about the idea, seeing how there was a whole Spelldrive Tournament that was broadcast and yet, nothing for the Arts and Culture Clubs. Everyone knew about the other clubs, but not for them, the only exception is probably people knowing that Night Raven was hosting the SDC and the fact that Vil and Neige LeBlance was performing. Fame really does bring people in.

"Ooh, ooh! Angel!" Grim calls out, getting her out of her thoughts as she sees him pointing to something in the distance. She followed his paw, seeing that he spotted a food stall. On second thought, she looked around, seeing that she wandered into a food section of the festival, seeing students and other participants prepping food for the festival. "Look at all these food stalls!" He happily exclaims as he drools at the sight, making Angel sigh at the near puddle of drool on her shoulder.

She looked around, a bit curious at the food that the stalls were providing. Most of the stalls already had advertisements of the food: some doing pizza, hot dogs, churros, and even some foods she never seen before, such as takoyaki, dumplings, pad thai, and other things she couldn't pronounce. She felt her stomach rumble, a bit hungry at the variety of foods but shook her head. "How about we go see the Purple Stage instead?" She could eat later, and besides, more than likely if Vil catches the two of them with food while they're trying to practice, he would scold them, which she did not wat to get into.

Grim groans. "Booo! Why ya gotta start carin' about bein' a manager NOW, of all times? They got funnel cakes! Hot dogs! Corn dogs! You name it, they fry and serve it!"

"Yeah, yeah," she says as she rolls her eyes at the list. "That can wait!" She states, making him huff. "Besides..." She says, his ears twitching. "If we check out the stage now while the group isn't there, we can come back and eat all we want without Vil scolding us." He shivered at the thought, not wanting to handle another scolding from Vil. He nods, accepting her idea while the two continue on, heading inside the coliseum.

Once the two walked into the center, they were shocked at the scene. Instead of a field, there was people moving about, moving materials and other things in preparation for the events later in the day. In the middle of the coliseum, there was a stage that took up the entire space, with a TV in the back, turned on with students standing in front of it, mostly to check the overhead view of the stage and other setup. "Whoa! It's the same ol' coliseum, but with a big stage set up," Grim states as students continue to work, moving things around to set the stage perfectly, or at least, in a way that won't hinder other students from working.

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