✨Side Story 31: The Dreaded Bath ✨

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Important A/N at the end of the chapter! Title is still a work in progress 🙄

Grim runs around the courtyard, looking around to find an appropriate spot to hide. "I gotta find it before she catches me..." He mumbles as his eyes land on a bush in the corner of the courtyard, an idea appearing in his head. He quickly heads towards the bush, and jumps in, settling himself in. "Heh heh heh..." he chuckles. "She won't be able to find me here. No one will be able to find me here."

"Man, I can't believe that we barely passed the potionology assignment," Ace sighs as him, Deuce, and Jack walk the hallway. "How'd yours go, Jack?"

"It went pretty well," he says. "The smell got on my nerves, but still good."

"And yet you still passed with flying colors," Deuce states.

"Just because my nose itches in potionology doesn't stop me from assignments like some people," Jack states with arms crossed.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?" Ace says in annoyance. "We did very well with our potions."

"If only Ace stirred the claudron the right direction, we wouldn't have 'barely' passed the assignment," Deuce states.

"Hey! If you gave me the correct ingredients the first time, we would have been done with it way before time ran out!" Ace exclaims.

Jack sighs. "I don't know how Angel and Grim could deal with the both of you."

"Just so you know, it's more of an Angel thing to deal with all three of us compared to just her and Grim," Ace corrects. "If anything, we deal with her and Grim."

"Hm?" Deuce hums in thought, looking around, seeing a speck of black. "Speaking of Grim...did anyone see him running around?"

"What?" Jack says as he looks around the courtyard, trying to see what Deuce was talking about. "I don't really see anything."

"You sure that assignment didn't mess with your eyesight, Deucey?" Ace smirks. "It could explain a lot about everything, ya know."

"I know what I saw!" Deuce snaps. "I just saw Grim run around in the courtyard. Looked like he was frantically trying to hide."

"If you say that, and he's not in front of us, then either you're lying or he found a place to hide, and I refuse to admit that you're right, so I say you're lying," Ace says with a sigh, making Deuce glare at him. "Deucey, you almost worry me."

"You wanna say that again?!" Deuce says to Ace.

"Wait a sec," Jack says as his ears twitch. "I don't think Deuce is telling a lie," he says making Deuce smirk at Ace and Ace glares at him. Jack looks around, his ears picking up a slight noise in the courtyard. "I think it's coming from over there," he says as he walks into the courtyard, letting his ears guide him around and the two follow. He look at the bushes, ears twitching as he approaches the bushes, picking up slight moment from them. He looks around, seeing that it couldn't been birds or squirrels hanging around the bushes. "It's coming from here specifically."

"Man, sure is useful having your intense hearing sure is useful," Ace comments as he and Deuce look around in the bushes. "Does this help your investigation?" He asks Deuce.

Deuce looks around, trying to figure out what he saw. "I mean, if you think about it, there's isn't many places to hide in the courtyard aside from probably the bushes or trees, and I'm pretty sure that Grim would have easily given himself away if he was hiding in a tree." He looks closely, his eyes seeing something black. "Huh...?" He says as he puts his hand in the bush, only to recoil it back. "Ow!"

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