👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 29 👑

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"How long are you all going to congregate in the lounge?" Vil says as he comes down the stairs, looking at the eight. "...And what are these stacks of boxes?" He says as he looks around, seeing the boxes stacked away in a certain corner of the lounge.

"Epel's family sent him some apple juice, which he had been kind enough to share," Rook answers.

"I-it doesn't have any added sugars!" Epel quickly adds. "Or preservatives! And, um, it's not going to last for very long, so...you're welcome to have some too, Vil. If you like," he quietly says.

"Hmm. Is that so?" Vil says as he takes in his words as he glance at the boxes. "Perhaps if the mood strikes me. But it's just about 10 o' clock. That means lights out for you spudlings."

"You expect us to go to bed at 10 p.m.?!" Ace exclaims in shock. "What are we, grade schoolers?"

"Perhaps so, if your mindset moves you to equate an early bedtime with being a child," Vil states. Angel sighs at the words, remembering how Jack said before that he was in the bed early. Maybe similar mindset? "You need a MINIMUM of seven hours of sleep a night to maintain lustrous skin and hair," he emphasizes. "Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask you...What products do you use for your hair and skin care?" He asks.

Everyone except Rook and Epel look at him in confusion. "Uh, what do you mean, care?" Deuce asks.

"My hair tangles easily with repeat washes, so I use hair oil...but I don't put anything extra on my skin," Jamil says.

"My attendants back home always slathered me in moisturizers, but I haven't done any of that since I started school here," Kalim answers.

"I don't use anything of the sorts other than conditioner on my hair..." Angel says in thought.

Vil looked at the group in shock. "You strip away your natural oils and then leave your skin gasping for hydration? Are you mad?! I expected our manager of all people to know the basic minimum, but I guess I was getting ahead of myself." He sighs, then hands something to everyone. "I'm giving each of you a set of my personally formulated skin care products. Apply them every morning and evening after you wash your face."

Everyone look at the bottle in hands, seeing how even the bottle seem beautiful in a dark purple color. "Ooh, you make your own cosmetics? Neat!" Kalim says in awe.

"I shouldn't be surprised. Of course, the Pomefiore housewarden would be an expert in herbalism," Jamil says in admiration.

"Epel and I have been naught but smooth and supple since we started using Vil's products," Rook happily says.

"Yes, and he makes other things, too: sunblock, setting powder, lip balm, hand cream..." Epel lists. "He dumped-ah, I mean, gifted me- a bunch of it," he corrects.

"By the way, I see a lot of bottles here. How do you use all this?" Kalim asks.

"Must I explain everything?" Vil sighs "Fine. I'll start with the facial cleanser. Kalim, you'll be my model," he says as he heads towards him while everyone else watches. "The rest of you, pay close attention."

"Y-yes, sir," the rest says.

"Kalim, what do you use when you wash your face normally?"

"Water!" He happily says.

"Out of the question!" Vil exclaims. "First, work up a later with this loofah, then massage your face with the foam. NO hand scrubbing," he says as he performs the motions on Kalim's face.

"Aha ha! This tickles," he laughs.

"Once you've finished washing, use a refining toner. Apply it gently to your skin with a cotton pad," he says as he demonstrates the products, apply it on Kalim.

"You have to wipe yourself down again right after rinsing the foam off?" Kalim asks.

"This is a secondary step for removing dirt from your pores," Vil answers. "Next comes the moisturizer," he picks up the bottle, putting a sizable amount in his hands. "Rub it into your palms and press down firmly with it to ensure it permeates the skin." He puts his hands on Kalim's face, rubbing it in.

"Oooh, it smells all flowery," he says with a smile. "This is nice!"

"Next if the milky lotion," Vil says as he prepares the next step. "Boys our age secrete a lot of sebum, so applying too much could backfire."

"Aha ha ha!" Kalim laughs. "It's kind of funny when you say 'our age'."

"...Would you care to elaborate on that statement?" Vil says with a slight glare.

"I just mean, you're so mature compared to all the other juniors I know." I mean...he's not wrong... Angel thinks as she thinks about Trey, Cater, Leona, and even Rook.

"Good. I was ready to come to blows if you had intended to call me old," Vil says. "Anyway moving on...What I just went over was the order of operations for your morning and evening care routine." He picks up a bottle. "This container here is a facial cream meant to be used once every three days for added care. Apply it before you go to bed." He points to another container. "Work this oil into the ends of your hair before using a dryer." He points to another. "This body milk here is for use after showers. Apply it meticulously to your knees, elbows, and the heels of your feet."

"This is as hard as a Potionology practical," Deuce says as he tries to remember the bottles.

"Ooh, my skin's already feeling silkier after getting the il treatment," Kalim says as he touches his face. "See, Angel? Feel my cheek."

Angel hesitantly raises her hand, using her finger to touch his cheek. "It's squishy," she says in awe as she feels his skin giving a slight resistance to her finger, only to spring back up.

"Hey! Get your grimy hands off his clean face!" Vil shouts, shocking both of them as she quickly pulls her hand away. "Hands are a breeding ground for microorganisms." They both look down from the scolding.

"In some ways, our housewarden's got nothin' on Vil. This is nuts..." Ace whispers.

"Shhh. He's right here," Deuce says.

"Hey, Vil? Question," Ace speaks up. "You became housewarden because you're good at magic, right? Do you know any spells that can skip all this stuff and just magically gussy up our hair and skin?"

"Magicians like yourselves should understand that most spells and potions are not permanent," he lectures. "Magic might create a temporary illusion of beauty and allow someone to indulge in a brief dream...But I have no interest in spells that fade when the clock chimes midnight. What I seek is genuine, authentic aesthetic perfection. Like the Fairest Queen who earned the Magic Mirror's recognition."

"If that legendary mirror still existed, I have no doubt it would recognize your excellence, Vil," Rook assures him. Angel was just confused with the exchange. Isn't the magic mirror the mirror in the Hall of Mirrors...? She thinks, thinking about how the mirror is quite similar at least to their description."

"...Perhaps," he sighs. "That talk ran a bit long. All of you, to your rooms now. And don't forget to follow the skin care routine before you go to bed!" He emphasizes.

"Y-yes, sir..."

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