👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 10 👑

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"Ah, excellent. There you are, Jamil," Azul says as he approaches the three.

"What do YOU want, Azul?" Jamil says with an annoyed tone, crossing his arms.

"Why, whatever could I have done to earn your ire?" Azul says in a feigned hurt tone, making Jamil eye him even more suspiciously. "And here I thought we were the closest of classmates! More to the point, you're on class duty, correct? Our afternoon Magic History period is going to be a study hall today. Professor Trein wants you to come and get the classwork printouts from the faulty office."

"Fine," Jamil says. "I'll be right there."

Grim climbs up Angel's legs and perched himself on her shoulder. "Say, didn't Azul stream Jamil's whole diabolical plan to the world?" He whispers.

Angel thought about the whole situation. During the time of winter break, after the whole thing, she hasn't seen much of Jamil lately, usually being pulled along with Kalim's whims. From the few times she has seen him, he kept his normal behavior, but she felt that something was just a bit off about him, almost as if he felt a little remorseful. After everything, his reputation should be tarnished, even if he was protected by the status he had. When she was walking the halls of Scarabia with Kalim, she noticed that some students were looking at them in pity and concern, most of it aimed towards Kalim than her, but Kalim brushed it off, as if ignoring them. She looked at Jamil, seeing that he was watching Ace, Deuce, and Kalim cleaning up after their practice, with Ace and Kalim laughing at Deuce and Deuce just pouts at their comments. "Is...Jamil okay?" She quietly asks, a bit worried for him.

"Please," Azul scoffs, seeing her concern. "It's like you've never heard of a bluff before. No wonder you're so easily fooled." The comment shocks her. "That was obviously a ploy to convince him there was no talking his way out of it."

"Mrah?!" Grim exclaims in shock.

He chuckles. "I can't believe you thought that I, the very soul of benevolence, would willingly destroy a classmate's reputation and social standing!"

"...You absolutely would," Jamil comments as he hears the conversation.

"A real nice guy wouldn't tell such a nasty lie in the first place," Grim adds.

"Heh heh heh," Azul chuckles. "All I did that day was put my smartphone on a speaker call with Jade. Unlike Leona, I don't torment others for sport. I never do more than what is strictly necessary. I obtained some perfectly good intel from the experience," he says. "I would never dream of devaluing my own assets!"

Jamil sighs. "Whatever you say," he says. "But you know what? I'll grudgingly admit that thanks to Azul's 'benevolence'...My parents and the Asim family still don't know the real reason I overblotted. As for the students..."

In Scarabia's Lounge, a group of students gather around Kalim in concern. "Housewarden Kalim, I don't understand!" One of them exclaims in shock. "Why aren't you replacing Jamil as vice housewarden?"

"He's been deceiving us all for ages, yourself included!" Another adds.

"He might still be plotting something," another student assures. "He needs to be dismissed!"

Kalim look at the students and smiles at them. "Wow, you're all so worried about me!" He says. "Thanks. That's really nice of you. Here's the thing, though..." he sadly says. "He's not the only one at fault for this mess. I share some of the blame. Besides, I would bet there isn't a single person in Scarbia who hasn't gotten help from Jamil at some point. Am I right?" He asks.

The students look at each other, thinking. "W-well..."One student starts to says.

"I guess he's given me advice before..." Another student says...

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