🐍 Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Chapter 19 🐍

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After the late-night training, the two walk into their room, with the door locked behind them, and collapse on the floor, groaning at the 'training' they experienced. For Grim, he had to practice being a target for the other students, in which he had to defend himself against 10 students each while Angel had to run laps, and with Kalim glaring at everyone, they had to make her a practice target as well, which scared and encouraged her to run faster, as she did not expect to be a magical target practice dummy for the students. The students, however, felt pity on her, and purposefully avoided aiming their spells at her, knowing well enough that she wouldn't be able to defend against them, and the fact that their mental and physical state wasn't at their highest that the spells they threw weren't really effective enough to hurt her, which she was glad at the fact about. No matter how tyrannical Kalim became, it didn't warrant hurting innocent and defenseless people. "Uuuugh..." Grim groans as he lays on the floor. "I'm wiped out. I can't walk another step..."

Angel groans as well. "I don't think the students can take much more of this..." She looks to the hole they made the night before. "We need to get out of here," she says, trying to at least get up to head towards the hole, but almost debate against it, tired at the prospect of digging any further.

"I'm at my own limit too, y'know!" Grim angrily states. "I don't wanna spend another second in this prison," he says as he digs in his fur and pull out the spoon. "I'm pooped and ready to pass out, but I've still got my trusty spoon." He looks at the hole. "I'm gonna finish diggin' that hole tonight!" He declares as he heads towards the hole, ready to dig. Angel could only sit up against the door for support and try to keep lookout for any students approaching.

Almost an hour later, Grim continued digging, exhaustion starting to set in as he starts making a stopping point for the day only to start seeing a bit of dimmed light and carpet appearing through the hole. He looks at the hole in surprise and digs faster, seeing that the hole is becoming bigger and wider, seeing that his assumptions were correct. "Whoa!" He exclaims, sticking his head out of the hole, seeing that it leads to the hallway of the dorm. He sticks his head back in the room and looks to Angel leaning up to the door, sleeping before her next shift. He heads over to her, shaking her frantically. "Angel! Hey, Angel!" He calls out, making her slowly open her eyes, seeing that Grim was looking at her with a smile on his face. "Look. The hole finally reaches the other side of the door!" He points to the hole and Angel follows, eyes wide at the hole and heads over to it to get a closer look, seeing that it wasn't too big, but at least enough for her to squeeze through at least. "I couldn't get it too big, but hey," he says as he looks at the hole. "They say as long as you can get your head through a hole, the rest follows easy enough."

"Don't you mean getting the shoulders through?" She asks him, thinking about his statement. Isn't the statement about the head only for cats though?

"I'll go through first and pull you through second," Grim says as he heads towards the hole and passes through with ease. He looks back at the hole. "Now, let's get this show on the road!" He says as he holds his paws out. "Come on, Angel! Let's do this!"

Angel looks at Grim's paws, skeptical about the plan. "I hope this works..." She mumbles as she gives Grim her hands, ready to be pulled out.

"I can't believe that worked..." She mumbles as she gets out of the hole, shocked at the fact that Grim was able to pull her out with ease, or at least, as much ease as possible. The hole was originally big enough for her head to fit through, so with a little bit of extra digging, which was easy since the hole was made, it was a bit bigger enough for her shoulders to pass through and the rest was easy. She was thankful for her thin figure, seeing that the hole was about a foot and half in diameter, which made it easier for her to squeeze through, but the experience will haunt her, that's for sure. She stood up and dusted her outfit, seeing that a few pieces of the wall got on her, but at least she gotten the stuff she brought, which was only the phone since her clothes were still in the dorm. I can afford to lose the smock She thinks, seeing that they were performing a prison break after all.

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